
Showing posts from April, 2020

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it. This month the prompts are supplied by Elephant's Child and can be found here . This week's words/prompts are:  1. justice  2. mark  3. game  4. sleeping  5. rivers  6. human  and/or  these two pictures:  Here is my story:   I stormed into the living room as quietly as I could and hissed at the kids to please keep the noise down!  ā€œYour mother is sleeping, these night shifts at the hospital are really hard and she needs her rest to continue as a functioning human.   Now, what is all t...

Sourdough starter

for all of you who are now trying to make your own sourdough bread, here is a tip from #2 daughter: "Iā€™ve been trying grow my own sourdough starter since May 2019 (it started as an annual leave project, when I had two weeks off work, and wasnā€™t going anywhere), and every single time, itā€™d be going fine, good growth, then Iā€™d hit about day 4 or 5, and it would go completely flat and lifeless. And Iā€™d think I failed, throw it out, and try again a few days later. I read different blogs with different instructions. Tried it with plain, wholemeal and rye flour. Tried different feeding ratios, and always around day 4 or 5 it seemed to die. So I gave up for a little while, thinking growing a sourdough starter was just something I couldnā€™t do. Then all this madness happened, and people were trying to make starters, so I tried again and was having the same problem with it 'dying' after 4 days. And it was never mentioned in the instructions on any of the sourd...

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it. This month the prompts are supplied by Elephant's Child and can be found here . This week's words/prompts are:  1. sunless  2. drawn  3. forgotten  4. brisk  5. thousand  6. gold   and/or:  1. delicate  2. walk  3. aggressive  4. word  5. witch  6. stop  Here is my story:   Roger Putnam watched as Molly Bakker's brisk walk brought her towards his desk. For a woman with such delicate looks, she sure could move in a hurry, he thought.  He noticed her mouth drawn tight and pu...

the story of Boofle

I read at Iris Flavia about her Best Girlfriend Ever coffee mug, with Boofle on the front, so I just had to share my mugs too. I first "met" Boofle on a greeting card given to me by my best friend as I was leaving my workplace. here he is wiping away the teardrops, soooo cute, it made me cry too. the back of the card and the story of Boofle. The label says Boofle  xxx, made with 100% love and cuddles (oh, and lots of wool and a little button) "Grandad's woolly cardy had seen better days,  it was still soft and cosy, but a little bit frayed. There were holes in the elbows and just one button remained, but from this, Nanny was sure something else could be made. So she started to sew on that cold winter's night, and Boofle was born, much to the children's delight. Boofle was all that a snugglesome pup should be, loveable and cuddly and a best friend to you and me." I believe his name came from the word small children say ...

Sunday Selections - better late than never, right?

I spotted these things while out walking and had to run home for the camera, to get photos before they got washed away by rain.  Of course I didn't really run, people might be thinking there's an earthquake happening. So here's what I saw: a chalk message for everyone Happy Easter people are putting teddies on fences and in windows to say thank you to all the front line workers helping with battling the virus. Nurses, doctors, police and volunteers and signs like this one. I saw a solid wood gate with a huge chalk message, "Don't worry, be happy", but couldn't remember what street I was on once I'd gone home for the camera. I also saw this wagon wheel used as decoration. I remember long ago many gardens had these, but this is the only one I've seen in yonks. When I got home again, I pulled my Beanie Baby named Leo off the top shelf and put him in the window. He was a birthday gift from my brothe...

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it. This month the prompts are supplied by Elephant's Child and can be found here . This week's words/prompts are:  1. practice  2. bent  3. night  4. fairy  5. never  6. liquid   and/or:  "out of the frying pan into the fire"  Here is my story:   "Bobby opened his new Practice today, hung up his shingle and now he is officially Doctor Jones," said Miranda as she bent the corners of yet another sheet of paper, trying to make the origami swans exactly as pictured.  "That's nice dear," said Mary, her mother....

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it. This month the prompts are supplied by Elephant's Child and can be found here . This week's words/prompts are:  1. stop  2. reasonable  3. best  4. kind  5. dragon  6. drinking   and/or:   1. flower  2.foster  3. sing  4. pieces  5. darker  6. thinking   Here is my story:   Neesa snorted gently, puffing warm air through her nostrils as she addressed the babies assembled before her.  "It is especially important when going to the drinking hole to stop, look and listen. Nev...

found at the cake wrecks website

a rather unfortunate spelling mistake