the story of Boofle

I read at Iris Flavia about her Best Girlfriend Ever coffee mug, with Boofle on the front, so I just had to share my mugs too.

I first "met" Boofle on a greeting card given to me by my best friend as I was leaving my workplace.

here he is wiping away the teardrops, soooo cute, it made me cry too.

the back of the card and the story of Boofle.
The label says Boofle  xxx, made with 100% love and cuddles (oh, and lots of wool and a little button)

"Grandad's woolly cardy had seen better days, 
it was still soft and cosy, but a little bit frayed.
There were holes in the elbows and just one button remained,
but from this, Nanny was sure something else could be made.
So she started to sew on that cold winter's night,
and Boofle was born, much to the children's delight.
Boofle was all that a snugglesome pup should be,
loveable and cuddly and a best friend to you and me."

I believe his name came from the word small children say when they are learning to say beautiful. 
(he's boofle)

I wish I was still in bed, a good mug for those mornings where you didn't really want to get up

Time for a cuppa, mid afternoon? or supper time?

any time is hot chocolate time.


  1. Never heard of Boofle before, but he's adorable.

    1. Charlotte; he might be an Australian only pup.

  2. He is a darling and his name suits him boofle-y.

    1. Terra; I love him and wouldn't mind finding a real knitted Boofle one day.

  3. I didn't know Boofle - but he is very, very lovely. And his name is perfect. Huge thanks for introducing him to us.

    1. Elephant's Child; I was almost sure I had shown him once before, but I guess not since you don't know him.

  4. Awwww! He is boofle, i like the idea of having such a special, cuddly friend.

    1. messymimi; I'd like to have a cuddly Boofle.

  5. Don't knitted toys look so much nicer and cuddlier than what you see in shops and fill the rooms of children. Nice story.

    1. Andrew; they do look cuddlier and are probably more easily washed too.

  6. I never heard of Boofle, but I think your theory on his name must be correct! His looks alone are comforting, even from all these miles away!

    1. Val; he does look comforting, someone to hold and tell your secret fears to.

  7. Replies
    1. only slightly confused; he's definitely a sweetie.

  8. A precious Boofle. I may have to find one for my gr-sons.

    1. Susan Kane; as far as I know he is only available on mugs and greeting cards in Australia, but I wish you luck with your search.

  9. Love all of them. He's just something else.

  10. Ohhh, he is a cutie-pie!!!
    Ohhh.... aawww...
    Can´t wait to get back to Perth to get more of sweet Boofle - ordering online feels like cheating!
    Thank you and Boofle says hi, too :-)
    He turned a tad red upon all the attention...

  11. He does bring comfort even from miles away. In these times we all need a Boofle.


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