
Hmmm. I've heard it said that Heaven must be a fantastic place. People are dying to get there. All your problems fade into insignificance, or disappear instantly, as you step through the Pearly Gates. Health problems? Gone. Wealth problems? Gone. Panic attacks? Gone. Assorted phobias? Gone. Tooth decay? Gone. Ditto dandruff, weak fingernails and split ends. Why does Heaven have Pearly Gates anyway? Since there's no fence, I would think you could just walk (float?) in anywhere. Yet movies and cartoons have a beautiful set of gates, with a line of souls waiting to pass through. In Heaven, you no longer need to work. You just lay about on fluffy white clouds. Maybe playing a little harp music now and again. If you get too bored just laying about, I understand that you can volunteer to polish halos, or fluff up the new sets of wings. In Heaven , if the TV advertisements are to be believed, you can eat as much Philadelphia Cream Cheese as you like. There doesn't seem to ...