Sunday Selections #32

It's Sunday Selections time again!
Time to post photos that have been hiding away in your computer files, photos that you may have completely forgotten about.
Have a hunt through your files and find them.

This idea comes to us from Kim at frogpondsrock, who realised one day that she takes many more photos thatn she uses, as we all do, and wanted to post some of the older ones on her blog.

A once a week meme seemed like a good idea, so Sunday Selections was born, and anyone at all can join in.

I often choose a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week my theme is :


Only two photos today, and if you've seen them before, I apologise; I just can't find the photos I'd intended to use.

I remember taking these shots about four years ago when I'd looked outside to see bright blue sunny skies, then within the hour these clouds came over, filling the sky so the day became very dark.

To join in with Sunday Selections, post photos of your choice under the Sunday Selections title, then go to Kim's site, add your name to her linky list, and leave her a comment.
Then have a look at what others have posted for their selections.
There are some really good photographers out there.


  1. Love them. Sky shots are always full of magic. Thanks.

  2. Love that ominous dark sky.

  3. Those are great shots :)

    Glad to read you've settled in so well :)

  4. I LOVE stormy skies - the darker, the better!

  5. EC; I love thundery clouds rolling across the sky. The shifting patterns are awesome.

    Delores; the promise of a thunderstorm to come.

    Jayne; thank you. I'm surprised by how quickly I felt at home.

    Toni; Me too. I love the expectation of a thunderstorm.

  6. You know that sky shots are my favourites. Thanks River. I particularly like the parrot :)

  7. Bonza photos of the sky and clouds rolling on by, i especially like the bird perched in the ring in the first photo :-).

  8. Kim and Windsmoke; the (plastic) parrot is Cap'n Jack, I've had him for several years now. He's the perfect way to have a pet, he just swings in the wind, no feeding, no mess, perfect.

  9. I love skies too. I have to stop myself posting pictures of them or that's all I'd do (almost!) I love the moodiness of the clouds, and like you say, how quickly they come in. Lovely shots :)


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