Sunday Selections # 380 (I think)

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

this week we're taking a little wander around my city, viewing some pretty clever graffiti art:

I'm not sure this represents anything in particular,

it's on the back wall of the  Mr Sym Choon building,

while these two personalities are on the side facing the alley. Mr Sym Choon is a menswear store with very nice clothing.

this dragon is on a support pillar near a restaurant near the Waymouth Street end of Topham Mall, which runs between Waymouth Street and Currie Street.

these  next four chocolate and coffee coloured creations 

are part of one large mural

which I really love

the detail is amazing

and here is the whole mural. Clicking on each will enlarge them and I think the artist scrawled his name in the middle on that banner.

this pink and blue mural goes all the way along this wall

from end to end and top to bottom

but today I'm only showing you these few pieces of it.
I like this doorway, but not the big red lips.

I believe these two names are the very clever artists.

More next week.



  1. much nicer than the subway graffiti we used to get in NYC ugly initials and gang stuff.

    1. joeh; we've got plenty of the ugly stuff here too, that's what makes these ones look so good.

  2. Those were beautiful!!

    1. fishducky; I agree and admire the artists who create such beauty.

  3. I do enjoy public murals - for a short time I lived in Philadelphia, PA and it is a city known for it's murals, the city has some of the most amazing outdoor art you can imagine.

    1. Grace; public murals are always good to see, they add so much colour to a city.

  4. I do love murals. The dragon is amazing and just takes my favourite award this week. And it is indeed SS 380.

    1. Elephant's Child; thnak you, I shall keep better track of the SS numbers. I used to write them down along with what I'd posted. I love the dragon too and wouldn't mind having him on my front door.

  5. I have heard of the first artist in the last photo. I rather like the characters in the third photo.

    1. Andrew; so he is a well known artist? It's nice to see his work and there are so many small details in that very large piece, you'll be seeing some of them next week. The Mr Sym Choon characters are great, I agree, they have personality.

  6. Replies
    1. Joanne; me too, they brighten up the cityscape quite a lot.

  7. I like the door one, it's different, they are all good.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; I don't like the big red lips, but I like the rest of the door.

  8. Some of those street artists are so talented...brilliant artists. Beautiful work.

    Have a happy week, River...cuddles to Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I wish I had half their talent, then I'd decorate inside my home, as it is, I settle for painting the furniture and adding colour with fabrics. Lola has been quite cuddly lately, perhaps your two fur babies are sending her messages that cuddles are good. She is getting used to me scooping her up for a cuddle.

    2. That's good about Lola, River. :) My two love cuddles...receiving and giving. They're are like growths...they hardly leave my side! lol

      It seems where I am they have to be...and vice versa.

      Lola knows she's found a loving home. :)

  9. The one in the chocolate and coffee colors is amazing. You can get lost in the detail.

    1. Val; that one is by far the best I think, it makes me think of yummy hot chocolate every time I see it.

  10. Great artwork, looks stunning...

    1. Weekend-Windup; thank you, I'm glad you liked it.

  11. Interesting artworks, i like when buildings have character because of such things.

    Here is a little taste of our Mother’s Day.

  12. You have some talented artists there. Hope it was with permission but even if it weren't, it still adds rather than detracts. Loved the dragon.

  13. Love these - street art is wonderful especially when it's this good!


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