Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by messymimi and can be found here.

This week's words are:

1. gaze
2. dogs
3. brave
4. decisive
5. wrench
6. tempt 


1. bad
2. shake
3. scribble
4. flower
5. afternoon
6. camp

here is my story: 

God’s Observation Deck 6

God withdrew his gaze from the fields below and turned to Mary as she came through the doors.

“How’s that new trainee cook coming along? Will there be cake for dessert tonight?”

“Yes, there will be cake, but the checkerboard didn’t quite work out. It’s more blotchy, so I’m calling it cow-hide cake. Do you want icing on that?”

(cow-hide cake)

“Make the icing, but serve it in a bowl with one of those spreader things, that way those who want some can have it and those who don’t can have their cake without.”

“What a good idea!” said Mary. “What have you been looking at so intently down there?”

“That old tramp, Martin Bennett. He’s got himself a pair of dogs now, rather brave of him to take on the care of dogs at his age and with winter coming on too. He’s been getting worse, had a bad case of the shakes while I was watching. He tried to write something and it came out more scribble than letters. He’s packing up his lunch camp ready for the afternoon walking, I think I’ll lead him to that new cave I made last week, it’s good and deep with shelter from wind and rain. I hope I can tempt him into staying there for a good while, Lucy has been quite decisive about the winter being extra cold this year, says I owe him one after I scooped up those souls before he could.”

“It’s a bit of a wrench letting Lucy get away with it,” said Mary, “but maybe you could bring spring along a bit earlier this year.” “You make me smile, Mary,” said God. “Always with a good counterpoint. I’ll get all the spring bulbs in flower a few weeks earlier, how’s that?”

and of course God had icing, there's no calories in Heaven.


  1. "There's no calories in Heaven" and that's why it's heaven!

    1. Grace; no tooth decay or diabetes either :)

  2. I'm up for the early spring...hope God can pull it off. No calories in heaven huh? There's an incentive to be extra good if I ever heard one.

    1. only slightly confused; early spring sounds good to me too, except for the hayfever part.

  3. Yum! Now I want a slice of that cake!!!! And I ate the last bit of my chocolate cake last night...dammit!! :)

    Good tale, River...thanks. :)

    1. Lee; I ate the last slice of my "cowhide cake" last night too. With icing of course.

  4. That cake looks yum and I like how God calls the Bad Fellah "Lucy". Great yarn.


    1. Wisewebwoman; the cake was delicious and God has to be careful that Lucifer doesn't hear him saying Lucy, since Lucy is VERY short tempered.

  5. Love the way you have them converse about cake and spring, the simple things.

    1. messymimi; I like the idea of Heaven being a simple place.

  6. What calories that cake couldn't have calories, right?

    1. peppylady; cakes you see online don't have calories, cakes you eat at home do have calories. Cakes in Heaven have no calories.

  7. Cow-hide cake! So descriptive.

    1. Val; the name came to me as I watched the cake rise in the oven. I was reminded of people who have cow-hide things everywhere, mugs, jugs, teatowels etc.

  8. Lovely - no calories in Heaven :) wow, what I time many will have with food then.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; Heaven is a place for feasting, napping and contemplation.

  9. Cow-hide cake - what a genius name for that :) I really enjoyed your story. This is the kind of God I might have kept believing in ...

    1. jenny_o; I like to think God is just like most of us, enjoying cake, loves gravy, but at the same time keeping a watchful eye on things.

  10. if there's no calories in heaven, I'll have a piece of that cow-hide cake.

    good use of the prompts.

    have a lovely day.


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