Wednesday's Words on a Friday

I can't put the blurb here, my files are inaccessible for now as I'm backing up everything as I type, I think my baby here is dying, so all files and photos are transferring to an external hard drive. 

Anyway, the Words for Wednesday was begun many years ago by Delores and is now hosted by an assortment of wonderful people who make us think each week with their prompts. This week the prompts come to us from Elephant's Child and she has two photos of water and clouds for us to write about.

Here is my entry: 

Jack stepped back and gestured to Dave to have a good look at the dam. "This is similar to the one on my property," he said. "Roughly about the same size with similar ease of access and about the same depth. Do you think my idea is possible?"

"Dave! You listening?"
"Sorry Jack, I was looking at that gap in the clouds, for a moment I thought I saw something in it. An angel or something."
"Well what about my idea?" said Jack.
"I'd need to come out and have a look, but I think a fenced area would be okay. I don't see why it wouldn't work. You wanted to stock that fenced off section with fish you said?"

"That's right," said Jack. "There's usually a couple of days after shearing or branding and so on where everyone has a get together, all the families in the area, and I thought maybe a chance to go fishing a couple of times a year might make a bit of difference. A diversion from the usual. I was thinking freshwater trout."

"Sounds good," said Dave. "I'll be out next week to get a good look and take a few measurements."


  1. I am really glad you were able to post. I worried (and had to reboot the PC three times this morning).
    ]Love your piece, and like Dave I would be distracted by the clouds. I can see a dragon in it.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm starting to scour catalogues for a good deal on a new laptop. I'm going to hate giving up this one, she's been good to me a long while. I got the fishing idea from a swimming pool within a barracks area we once lived in, each winter it was drained and cleaned, refilled and stocked with fish.

  2. Fishing is always a good break from work,

    1. joeh; I personally don't like fishing but I know most men do.

  3. A fish corral! I like that idea.

    1. Val; me too, with a separate space left for kids to swim maybe.

  4. Nice job! If we had a lake, I'd certainly want to stock it with fish!

    I'm glad you're storing your stuff to an external drive. Nothing worse than losing everything in your computer and not being able to recover it. Good luck!

    1. Susan; I don't like fishing, I'd rather buy my fish at the markets, already cleaned and gutted.
      I've been backing up my files for a long time, at least once a year and twice if I remember. I find it odd that my laptop behaves itself as soon as I start researching new ones.

  5. Lovely story - a good Aussie one.
    Gosh it doesn't seem that long ago when you bought a new laptop - time flies.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; I did buy a new one recently, but a very cheap one and it was so clunky to use, I put it aside thinking I'd use it only when I'm forced to when this one dies. So of course this one revived itself and I gave the new unused one to a family member. Now I'm looking again for a new one because this one is getting a bit iffy, turning itself off at odd times.

  6. That sounds like a great idea to me too. I love fishing! :) - I hope your computer holds out long enough for your transfer.

    1. Magical Mystical Mimi; everything as been transferred (copied) to a hard drive and I'm hopeful this laptop will hold out a bit longer while I look around for other options.

  7. I have an online back up system (cloud) that is very reasonable and I've learned the hard way we need constant back up. This bubbles away in the background and gives me weekly reports. I am always astonished at how much backup is needed, writing, photos, tax returns, etc. etc.

    I love your take on the story. Well done! For some reason I am struggling lately with the prompts and it's not as "flowy" as it normally is for me.


    1. Wisewebwoman; prompts aren't always "flowy", sometimes I spend hours tearing out my hair trying to think of anything that makes sense.
      I've heard of the Cloud, but don't really like the idea of it, I'd much rather have an external hard drive that I can see for myself.

  8. Oh I hope your problems are temporary. Computers can really age us.
    I am a water person so that sounds like a great idea for Jack's property. I love fishing, not catching just fishing. It lets you put a useful name for doing nothing but airing out the mind.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I'm a water person too, I'd live under a waterfall if I could. And if it was warm. Most of my problems are temporary, even the computer ones.


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