Sunday Selections

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mists of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by Elephant's Child, who gladly accepted my offer to keep this going, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.

I bought this Halloween Candy bowl so I could fill it with goodies that I knew I would eat myself since we don't get trick or treaters here. The label on the bottom read: Danger: choking hazard. Keep away from small children.

you see here the bowl is 30cm across and it is about 12cm high. I don't know a single toddler who can open his or her mouth that wide. 

the footpath garden just down the road a bit is in full bloom again. This year I discovered the bright yellow border flowers are called Coreopsis, only because a catalogue from a hardware store had a picture of them being for sale in their garden section. I should have taken a closer photo. 

I love this really big rose bush she has and plan to ask her for a couple of cuttings when I see her.

I believe it is a David Austen variety

the single beauty at the top of the bush

I love the colour variations as the blooms open, fade and eventually die

sunshine yellow

intermingled with the Queen Anne's lace are sweet peas in pinks

and reds

I love the ruffled perfect layers in this red rose, the colour is actually deeper in real life, I've yet to find a camera where the colours come 'true'

lilies in soft pink

and yellow. Thankfully not the kind of lily that give me headaches.

this is Tabitha, a young cat barely past the kitten stage, her head is a little blurry as she turned away from the camera just as I depressed the shutter button. She lives across the driveway, with another cat the same age, named Clyde, but he is black and white. They roam free most of the time and like to lie in the sun on my porch. Lola has become used to them and will lie on the mat inside the screen door, while Tabitha and Clyde lie outside. Tabitha's coat and tail remind me of Angel, except Tabitha has no white feet and very little white on her chest.


  1. Those roses tho!! And hey I got your lovely informative card yesterday. Thank you - I will send something back to your shortly :) I adore snail mail.

    And a cat named Clyde. Love that. I had one called Walter who deserves an entire blockpost to himself.


    1. WWW; I'm glad the card arrived. my daughter had a cat named Carter, after Chris Carter who wrote a TV series she loved, that I don't remember the name of.

  2. Lovely to see a Sunday Selections post from you. The peruvian lilies (alstromeria) are lovely things aren't they?
    And those roses... How I wish I could smell them.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'd love to smell the roses too, just to see if they are scented, but the bush is in the middle of the garden and I can't reach it. Thanks for the lilies name. Now I know what to look for when I buy bulbs again.

  3. The 'bat bowl' (what else would you call it?) is lovely. I had been participating in Sunday Selections. Have had no internet for several days. :( That can really get you off stride...... besides making one very very very angry. lol Our lives seem to rotate around the internet. :(

    1. nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing; the bat bowl is plastic and not too sturdy, I used it for a while as a water dish for Lola on the back porch, but it wobbled and sloshed every time I accidentally nudged it. I used to get angsty without internet, but I'm weaning myself off so I have more time for other things. I plan to eventually spend no more than an hour and a half per day on the computer.

    2. Well, the plasticity of the bowl doesn't diminish how nice it looked in the picture. It is probably more useful as a water dish than if it were an expensive piece sitting on a high shelve gathering dust. lol
      I depend on the computer for my entertainment and -- well -- something to do. Some of us really don't have 'other things'.
      It would make me happy if 30 seconds of your hour and a half per day computer time would occasionally be spent at my blog. :)

  4. Perhaps the bowl is made out of hard liquorice!!! (Just kidding!) :)

    Pointless warning! Now! Stop licking that bowl, River!!!!!

    Beautiful blooms...and a lovely little kitty. At the I type...I have a very noisy currawong at my screen door, making its presence known...loudly!! Noisy beggar!!! :)

    Have yourself a great week, River...cuddles to the lovely Lola. It's nice she has a couple of mates to chew the fat with!

    1. Lee; the bowl is plastic and not sturdy and I certainly haven't been licking it, not after Lola did. I used it as a water bowl for her, now I have a much sturdier old pottery bowl for he which I picked up at a market for $3. Tabitha is a lovely little thing, loves to be petted. I think she gets lonely being left outside a lot, the two kittens used to hand around together, but now Clyde goes off on his own.
      Lola is getting plenty of cuddles, she seems to be a bit needy that way, now that she has got used to me properly, so I'm indulging her.

  5. Hehe yes you'd need a gargantuan toddler to eat this bowl. I hope you'll never meet one. The flowers are so pretty.

    1. Uglemor; maybe up in the giant's beanstalk there's a giant toddler. the flowers are beautiful right now, the bed gets a lot of sunshine.

  6. Yes, that bowl would be a challenge for anyone as a choking hazard. Nonsense like that devalues serious and relevant warnings. Lots of colour in the gardens around you. Tabitha? I thought I had missed something until reading further and discovered she is not your cat. Btw, while the oven cleaning kit I mentioned doesn't smell, it certainly does when you next use your oven.

    1. Andrew; thanks for the oven cleaner information. I would have to turn on the oven and leave the house for a couple of hours if I used that. currently I try not to use the oven so it doesn't need cleaning, but of course I used it a lot when I first moved in, so I'm going to have to get someone in to scrub it out. The gardens here are fabulous, all the roses are out along with lilies, daisies and the Jacarandas too, a couple of Frangipanis here and there and all sorts of other flowers I don't know the name of. There's honeysuckle around too, I love the scent from that.

  7. That really is a neat looking bowl and pretty sure not a choking hazard:) Love how your cat has friends that come to call.

    1. Arkansas Patti; the only way that bowl is a choking hazard is if it gets broken into small pieces. I can't see that happening as it is a bendy plastic, not a stiff brittle one. I'm glad my Lola has got used to seeing the kittens on the porch, she used to hiss at them quite alarmingly.

  8. The roses are so lovely. It's been years since I've had them. Since the seventies.
    How nice that the cats get along. My cat is more calm about the neighbor's cat, now they have made eye contact. Actually, she ignores him and he lolls on the window sill, tongue hanging out.

    1. Joanne; I haven't grown roses since my youngest was born 38 years ago. They were in the front garden when we moved into that house and badly overgrown and neglected, so I got them pruned and fed and they were really nice. I tried growing roses from cuttings in my previous home and they just didn't take off as hoped. Then when I moved here I found roses all around so I don't have to grow my own. I'm glad the cats get along too. For a while I suspect Lola was worried they might intrude on her new home that she's just got used to, but we had a talk, Lola and I and she's settled down. I wish I knew what her life had been like before I got her. She still has jittery moments as if she thinks she is being caught doing something wrong.

  9. Those flowers and that beautiful sunny day... I really needed to see this today as a winter storm is bearing down on us and will be here next week with snow and cold temps! Yikes!

    1. Magical Mystical Mimi; the beautiful sunny days happen most of the year here, even in winter, but of course the roses aren't out then. I hope your winter isn't as severe as they have been lately.

  10. Lovely selection of photos for Sunday. Do like David Austin roses, they all are beautiful. David passed on last year.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; once upon a time I didn't know about the different types, arose was a rose was a rose as far as I knew. The David Austin ones are so pretty though, very ruffly.

  11. Replies
    1. peppylady(Dora); I like them all, even the ones that give me a headache, but I try not to plant any of those sort myself.

  12. I'm not usually a yellow kind of gal, but those roses and lilies are striking! I'm glad Lola is enjoying the companionship of Tabitha and Clyde, although through a screen door.

    1. Val; I've always like yellow flowers, I think since my dad used to sing The Yellow Rose of Texas when I was very little.

  13. The flowers are so pretty. The 🎃 Halloween bowl is groovy.

    1. The Happy Whisk; we see pretty flowers almost all year her. The Halloween bowl will double as a salad bowl.

    2. That is very cool. We have long winters in my village, so no year-round flowers for me. But I am lucky because I can enjoy yours and She's flowers from here. Thank you!

  14. I think maybe the label was the choking hazard? Crazy!

    1. joeh; maybe the candy I put in it is the choking hazard? Or maybe they think a small child might manage to chew off a bit of the edge from the bowl while his/her mother isn't watching.

  15. Fun bowl! Yes, I remember we were in Carnarvon, WA, on Halloween and thought, hmmm, Australia is more advanced than Germany, we´ll see kids in costumes.
    Nada. Not one kid.
    Beautiful flowers!!! Yiu brighten another grey November day!

    1. Iris Flavia; nope, Aussies don't do Halloween as a rule, it's an American tradition more than anywhere else I think, but there are a few people here that have Halloween parties in their homes, which I think is safer than trick or treating from door to door.

  16. Oh she's just a cutie (reminds me of my own kitty) and your flowers are too. Enjoy your week.

    1. 21 Wits, Tabitha is a cutie, but she isn't mine, she lives across the driveway in another flat.

  17. We didn't have candy since we live in a retirement community. Our gr-daughters had a big bowl but all the good candy had disappeared. We have some lovely roses during the summer, but the triple digit summer faded them quickly.

    We had a big black tom Scuba years ago. A neighborhood big black tom came up to the window nearly every day and they did window battle.

    1. Susan Kane; window battle would be better than real battle with the injuries that can come from it.

  18. I so enjoy your sense of humour, River :)

    Those roses are lovely, too.

    Our cats have to be kept separated as the newer one is fairly aggressive. I wish they got along but it will never happen. She even hisses at our older cat through the glass of the French doors separating each room. I'm glad Lola has gotten used to the neighbour kittehs.

  19. It's hard to fathom how that bowl could be a choking hazard to anyone other than Godzilla. But it's neat that you bought it for yourself and filled it with your own treats. We always have some trick-or-treaters, but it's impossible to gauge how many we'll have on any given year, so I always buy treats WE like. Then we have the "task" of eating all the leftovers. There were a ton this year, because we only had five visitors to our door. Some years we have fifty. (And I usually buy enough candy for a hundred. HA)

    Your flowers are lovely. It's obvious that your neighbor's cats know your yard is safe. It's interesting how quickly they learn who the cat-friendly people are. Our yard seems to attract them in droves. Then again... we DO feed them. :)


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