seniors exercising

In our Saturday Advertiser I read a small piece on a "seniors playground".

Here's a quote: "London: A "seniors' playground has opened in Hyde Park- and it has the over-60s lining up to have a turn. The playground - with six low-impact fitness machines, including a stationary bicycle and a sit-up bench - was installed after residents campaigned for more facilities to help older people get fit. Organisers said older people were lining up from early in the mornings to try out the newly installed exercise machines."

I think this is a fantastic idea which should be adopted world-wide.
Now, who do I speak to about such a thing being installed in various parts of Australia.........


  1. There's a sort of fitness playground thingy at Victor Harbor in Kent Reserve that I've seen oldies (and youngies) have a go on. Their council might be able to tell you what company specialises in it.

    Although, I see yards of velvet and stretchy nylon trousers in my mind.....

  2. Victor Harbor council....where's that phone book? Their number must be in there........

  3. I have always thought a good swing should be installed in every playground for the grown ups...

  4. Hello jeanie; heading over to check out your blog.


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