lots of noise and dust around here

As happened several years ago, we are again having the driveway and car parking areas ripped up and relaid. 
The ripping up of the part nearest me happened yesterday, I took photos of the huge machine that rips up the road surface, grinds it into particles, then spews it out via a long conveyor tube thingy into a waiting truck. 
I kept my doors and windows closed, apart from the photo taking, but still somehow breathed in too much dust or whatever and spent a good part of the day and night coughing in between breathing Ventolin through my spacer. 
Today the new surface is being laid and steam-rollered, and I imagine another layer will be added tomorrow since the finishing date is set for the 25th. 

In spite of today's fabulous sunny weather, I've been stuck inside with aching ribs and back from the coughing yesterday, so I've been watching episodes of The X-Files. 

Here is a line I heard yesterday from an episode in season 6: "They're about as useless as a fart in a windstorm."

I love this show, every single episode has it's funny moments.


  1. I hope that noisy, smelly, dusty work is finished ahead of schedule.
    Himself loved the X-files but I never warmed to it (not sure why).

    1. Elephant's Child; I hope so too, and it may be, but they need to take a day off each week to allow the rubbish collections trucks through.
      The X-Files is one of those shows my kids all loved and I missed a lot of it because I was doing Mum stuff or working late, so now I'm catching up. Most of my neighbours won't watch anything even slightly spooky because they'll have nightmares. They don't read fiction either...

  2. lol...love that line, burst out laughing when I read it.
    My goodness, you poor thing coughing like that - I do know because I too have asthma.
    Take care.

    1. Margaret D; I'm trying to find ways to use that line in real life. The coughing has settled a lot now.

  3. Sorry to learn of your discomfort, River...that's not good. Hopefully, you're feeling much better.

    I've only ever watched a couple of episodes of "The X-Files"...when it was on TV I was working nights. One of my friends who worked as my kitchen hand on Friday and Saturday nights love it. It is on one of the streaming services...and I keep intending to start watching...maybe bingeing...on it. I might just do that now! :)

    Take good care...

    1. Lee; the coughing is much less today, but I have aching muscles around the ribs area from it. The X-Files has 11 seasons, so get plenty of snacks ready. I'm into season 7 now.

  4. It sounds like the worst of the works has passed. Though the smell of hot asphalt can be quite pungent.

    1. Andrew; the worst is over, just have to wait for it to set before cars can drive on it, then the road markers will be out to spray on the parking lines where they are allowed. Not that the tenants take much notice, most do, but some park anywhere they like, for instance on the footpath edging my lawn.

  5. No matter what, that fine dust does find its way in. Hope you feel better soon.

    Around here, the expression is "useless as the tits on a boar hog."

    1. messymimi; I'm better except for aching muscles from the violent coughing. I've heard most of the "useless as..." sayings, but that one from the X-Files is new to me.

  6. Dust is a sneaky ninja-thing. It gets in everywhere. i hop they finish soon, so that you can breathe without coughing again!

    1. Charlotte; I have asthma and hayfever, so I cough most of the year anyway, just this time was really bad. I'm better now, or back to normal.

  7. I would think the rest of the road work would not involve dust...I hope so for your sake.

    I think the funniest word in the language is FART. Any line or joke with FART in it always gets a big laugh.

    1. jeh; the rest of the roadwork is just spray painting of the lines to mark out park and non park areas, I have no problems with the smell of paint. I agree fart jokes are the funniest.

  8. Sure hope the road work is dust free in the future. My lungs couldn't take that either. I had heard that about the fart in a windstorm before, funny. One of the bloggers I read, Victor S E Moubarak, used a line in his book that cracked me up. "That was as unwelcome as a fart in a space suit." Think joeh is probably right about farts.

    1. Arkansas Patti; the road is the driveway through the blocks of flats and only resurfaced about every seven years. Next time I might take myself to a hotel for the day, or off to the beach. The spacesuit joke is funny.

  9. I sorry you inhaled any of that noxious dust. And the damn coughing is worse. Hope you get better soon.

    1. Joanne; I didn't realise that dust would be so damaging to me, I'll know better next time and won't bother taking photos. The coughing is back to normal levels now.

  10. Replies
    1. Dora; all done except the painting to mark the parking areas.

  11. Wee, hope you´re better soon!
    That quote is sure very right and made me laugh!!! I have to remember that.
    And finally watch the X-Files-DVD I bought last year!

    1. Iris Flavia; the coughing is gone, but the muscle aches continue. Do you like shows about aliens and weird happenings?

  12. Road work is the worst and the smell is worse than any fart! :) - I hope it clears up so you're not breathing that stuff in for much long. Maybe wear a mask?

    1. Magical Mystical Mimi; the dusty part was only one day and I stayed inside apart from taking a couple of photos very quickly from my front porch.

  13. Sorry for your discomfort. I love discovering a "new" old show, and watching episode after episode. My latest favorite was The Office. U.S. version, not the British version. Though I'm sure it was good, too.

    1. Val; I'm annoyed that the muscle discomfort continues, hope I don't have to go and see a doctor. I've never seen The Office, I don't remember my kids ever watching it and I'm currently trying to catch up on everything they watched that I liked whenever I saw a bit of it.

  14. I hope all the dust and dirt - and your aching ribs and back - will be worth it. One of the great blessings of our lockdown has been the peace!

  15. So sorry about your asthma getting triggered, River. Smoke does it to me. Why do they replace the asphalt so often, I wonder? Anyway, I see from the above replies that you're feeling mostly better aside from sore muscles. I hope the rest of your discomfort goes away quickly.


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