I'm having a spot of bother

aka: one of the reasons I don't do Sunday Selections

I go out and about with my camera fairly often, although far less than I used to and when I remember I'll load the photos onto the computer. 

And then I can't find them. 

There are so many folders in the pictures files and I used to keep them well labelled, but now the camera loads them into whichever folder it wants to and I don't have a hope of finding them without spending an entire day, then cutting and pasting them into yet another new folder. 

Think I'll go and read a book instead 😒


  1. Sigh. Does it load them into date order? I know our scanner has recently taken to doing that (regardless of where I tell it to save things).
    Good luck. I do miss your Sunday Selections. A lot.

    1. Elephant's Child; I think I need to pay more attention to where it says they are going, two days ago it said Jan 2013, and I don't even have a Jan 2013 folder, not that I can find anyway. So I typed that date into the search window and a whole lot of older photos popped up along with a few new ones, but not the most recent ones I took. I may have to download the entire pictures file to an external hard drive then reload the newest ones from camera to computer. That's a full day's work.

  2. Oh bother. Computers that think they know better than we do what we want them to do, are a royal P.I.T.A. I found out how to tell it not to, and leave me as the boss, but I frequently got to fight for this right. I hope you find out how to do this (or know someone to ask).
    I found the easiest way was to throttle every "helping" program, and just have the computer open whatever thingie I put into it. I too miss your Sunday Selections.

    1. Charlotte; I think one problem is that I save far too many pictures and now I need to hover the cursor over every single one so the date shows, then move it to the appropriate folder and maybe delete a bunch of stuff. This is really going to cut into my TV time. (*~*)

  3. When I save a picture off the internet, it loads into the last folder I used unless I specify "pictures". I'm sure your issue is not the same, but I can appreciate the frustration of loading something and then trying to find it.

    1. joeh; mine did that for a while and I used to find photos in pictures I'd saved of kitchens and bathrooms that I liked, then I'd find a bunch in pictures of Calvin & Hobbes cartoons. Now I can't find anything.

  4. I understand your frustration. When I save pictures there is no telling where they will end up. Gotta be me but I can't seem to stop it.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I can sympathise. I used to have it all so organised, then I guess I just saved far too much and got slack about keeping it all tidy.

  5. I see a theme here. Even though I specifically save my photos in "Pictures," my computer randomly puts some of them in "Files," and I can't find them. When I try to save again, I get the message that I already have that photo, do I want a duplicate. At least I give them a name when I save, rather than the number that's on them, so sometimes I can search my computer and find them. Even my computer conspires against me!

    1. Val; I used to rename them too, instead of just DSC***, but I got lazy and thought I could get that done "later", well now it's too late. I will try to reload the newest ones and tick yes for duplicate.

  6. To err is human, but to really foul things up requires technology.

    1. messymimi; so true, I've got photos of fences to join in with Gosia's Good Fences and I can't find them.

  7. I am clueless how to load my photo from phone to my lap top

    1. Dora; I'm clueless with the phone to laptop too, that's why I use my camera instead. The load just fine, but where does the computer put them? I've got way too many files which I need to sort through.

  8. I'm sorry...I am of no help, River...reach for a book is my only suggestion! :)

    1. Lee; reaching for a book is a great idea which I often do, but that doesn't help the photos get found and sorted. I'm going to have to dive in there.

  9. I let Windows download the photos. It does so into dated folders and then later I extend the date with a name to indicate what is in the folder. Something has changed though, as there is no longer the option to delete the photos on the camera after downloading.

    1. Andrew; I noticed the delete option was gone a while ago, now I'm glad because I can re-download the photos and have the marked as duplicates, easier to find until I sort everything out. I may have to give up sleeping in so I have more time.

  10. Maybe take out your SD card and attach to a computer and go through all the folders. Hope you find your photos!

  11. Oh gosh, sounds like one mess trying to find those photos, wouldn't know where to begin to look if that happened to me.
    Having software that comes with my cameras for me my photos are fairly easy to find.
    Good luck and enjoy your book.

  12. Try a reset on both, cam and card.
    Or take out the accumulator for a couple of minutes.
    Get a new SD-card?
    I had a huge fight with my programs the last two days, I´m with ya!

  13. That kind of nightmare would make me give up! Knock on wood, my camera and computer are still behaving, but if they turn on me it won't be pretty.


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