Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the prompts are supplied by Lee and can be found here.

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. physical 
2. partial 
3. performance 
4. melee 
5. odyssey 
6. amplify 


1. bearing 
2. accomplish 
3. deficient 
4. hullabaloo 
5. concrete 
6. cultural 

Here is my story: 

Mr Phyngas, (secretly called "Old Fungus" by many of the boys), strode into the lunchroom where a free-for-all melee had been underway for quite a while if the condition of the room was any indication. 

"What is all this hullabaloo?" he thundered as most of the children quickly found themselves somewhere to sit that wasn't covered in too much food.
Total silence ensued as he glared at every table in turn. "Are you all deficient in hearing?" I asked a question and demand an answer!" A bit of squirming and foot shuffling began, but no one proffered any explanation. 

"Right then!" he said. "Since no one takes credit for this performance, all are to be punished." 
In turn he addressed each table with table one being told to gather all dishes and cutlery and take it all into the kitchen where it was to be washed thoroughly. Table two was directed to dry said dishes and cutlery and put everything where it belonged. Table three was instructed to fetch buckets of hot soapy water, mops and sponges, they were to mop the floors, while table four had the fun of washing walls and windows. 

Several boys began to get off their chairs, but he waved them back down. "I'm not yet finished," Mr Phyngas said. "You will accomplish this deed in no less, no more, than two hours. I will inspect the premises at precisely 2:30. This will count as your physical exercise for the day," (a gasp followed this as the boys had been looking forward to their game of cricket at the local park,) "and I will be inspecting for thoroughness and cleanliness with points partially going towards your half-term test results.
If all is satisfactory, you may then all take a broom each from the janitor's room and together sweep the new concrete quadrangle and be thankful it isn't raining." 

Noticing crestfallen faces and a tear or two, he decided to soften the blow a little. "This will have no bearing upon any future odysseys that may have been planned for this term, but I will also be individually questioning each of you in turn to hear the story of what happened here."


  1. Wow, Old Fungus was one strict fellow but his punishments I am sure made a permanent impression and he got a nasty mess cleaned up. I kind of like the old guy.

    1. Arkansas Patti; He's an old hand at dealing with junior boys, I'm picturing this set in a boys boarding school, the kids around 10-12 years old

  2. Firm, but fair. I hope all of them learned a lesson - even if it was not the lesson on the curriculum.

    1. Elephant's Child; firm is the way to go with a good dose of fair thrown in depending on the situation.

  3. That'll teach 'em!

    Another excellent tale, River. :)

    1. Lee; I imagine it will teach 'em! Young boys do love their cricket games.

  4. Poor Fungus, but he had them where they needed to be. Tough old bird, but he handled it well.

    1. Susan Kane; he did indeed have them right where they needed to be.

  5. Here is my own short story:

    What had been a partial performance of push and shove hit a full-on physical melee when Jaimie got all mean with his brother. Fists began to fly; screams were amplified as Jaimie plowed into Bart. He had no understanding of the odyssey he was starting. A quest for superiority like this one never ended well when Bart came at him swinging. They both went down, blood all over. Mommy would not be pleased.

    1. Susan Kane; yikes! fisticuffs in the house! Mums are never pleased when there is blood involved.

  6. He sounds like a smart and good teacher, very wise to handle it this way.

    1. messymimi; I'm imagining him as the senior teacher at the school, having been there almost 30 years.

  7. Well done.
    I thought he sounded a bit crabby and first till I read on. Strict and firm.

  8. I think those boys will learn an important lesson having to clean up what they messed up!

    1. jenny_o; that is a most important lesson, which hopefully carries through to married life.

  9. They have learned not to fool with Old Fungus!

  10. Replies
    1. Dora; he is a very sharp eyed teacher, he knows young boys need close attention.

  11. That's my kind of theacher, stern, but impartial. Good story.

  12. You really should come visit me. I live in a nuthouse and wish for some "Old Fungus".
    Kids here scream their lungs out, be in the hall or garden. I dread summer with all those new neighbours who do not discipline their kids.


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