I've been trying to contact Haagen-Dazs

 You all know the ice cream company? Very expensive ice cream, which I recently discovered in small tubs at my local supermarket. 

I'd heard about Salted Caramel ice cream, with some bloggers raving about it, so when I saw the Haagen-Dazs tubs on sale for only $5 I bought some. 

I loved it! Fabulous stuff. Just the right amount of salted caramel streams to counteract the sweet ice cream. I would have rated it five stars.

But just lately, I have been disappointed with the product containing far too much of the salted caramel and my rating now would be only one star.

I went to the website and clicked on "contact us" to let them know I was no longer happy. The link popped up with an address to "General Mills" which I then clicked on only to find a small popup informing me they were "offline". 

Just because it is past regular business hours or permanently? Who knows. 

So I'm airing my grievance here instead. If this results in fewer sales of their Salted Caramel 457ml tubs, perhaps they'll look into it and find out why. If they find this post on this blog, they'll have their answer.


  1. Salted caramel is usually too salty for me, and I eat ice cream about twice a year. This product is not for me, but I hope you can contact them.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm going to just not buy it anymore, it's too expensive anyway, the regular price is $12.50

  2. It helps if you provide an active link to the name of its website.

    1. Andrew; I should have done that and will as soon as I finish reading the comments here.

  3. How strange. Maybe it's just a bad batch? How long have you been noticing it? We buy the salted caramel here and usually like it, though my favorite is still Phish Food. (Or Chubby Hubby.)

    1. Steve Reed; I've noticed it the last three tubs and there's been enough time between purchases for a "bad batch" to be sold out.

  4. Some companies are exceedingly difficult to contact. It's like they have deliberate policies aimed at blocking or greatly reducing customer contact. That's how it seems to me anyway.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; I shall do as Andrew says and link them in the post.

  5. it's so irritating when you can't get the response you want.

    1. jabblog; yes it is, but I'm not too concerned, I'll just stop buying their product.

  6. we eat local ice cream- haagen Daz is too big for its britches.

    1. Linda Sue; I have a local favourite made right here in SA which I will go back too, half the price and about four times as much ice cream, it comes in 2 litre tubs.

  7. It been a while since I had Haagen-Dazs ice cream. But in the pass I been happy with what I had. Hopefully you will contact them.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I was happy with it too in the beginning, even though it is too expensive, I would buy it when it was on sale, but not anymore.

  8. Replies
    1. Jenn Jilks; sad for them since I won't be buying their ice cream.

  9. I went on Twitter and dm'd them, explaining your question and attempts to get a response. I promised to pass on their reply. I've found that dming on Twitter has worked very well for me when all else fails. And if the dm isn't responded to, I post a public tweet to them. That usually has them falling all over themselves, to avoid the embarrassment of being called out, terrible for pr. So we'll see!

    1. I see you're in Australia. But that shouldn't affect the recipe!

    2. Boud; welcome to drifting and thank you for trying. I don't have a Twitter account and I never will.

    3. They got back to me to say they've made no changes! So there you are!

  10. When a product is substandard, the company should want to know and improve. Today's indifference is awful.

    1. messymimi; I'm more disappointed than upset and their ice cream is too expensive for my budget anyway, but I did want them to know there is too much of the salted caramel in the ice cream.

  11. Ice-cream-eater problems! You deserve a response. I'm glad you are taking your business elsewhere. In a perfect world, they would reach out to you with an explanation, and provide coupons to win you back.

    1. Val; in a perfect world none of us would ever have any troubles and that might get a bit boring. I plan to go back to my old favourite brand, Golden North, made right here in Australia and the best tasting ice cream in my opinion, which I believe is shared by many others.

    2. that should read "made right here in SOUTH Australia," so it's very local.

  12. Oh, how "dare" you! 3C and now I crave that ice-cream!!!! ;-)
    Oh, sad it went down the drain (I would probably like it even more).

    Sad they treat their customers like that, a shame. They must think they are perfect - or... they really have technical problems and you should not be mad at them?

    Either way... why, and that happens here all the time, too, why change a good product for the worse (just look at blogger for that matter)....

    I once contacted... oh, I don´t remember their name.. (a shame from my side) a pie-company in your country. (Mama-"something"?) They offered me free pies when I visit as they are not allowed to deliver to Europe, but then there is Jesters... I never went. And feel bad about that (was 2015 or such...)

    1. Iris; I'm not mad at them, just disappointed with the ice cream. It may even be a problem in the production line, but that's for them to figure out. I'll go back to my old favourite anyway, it's cheaper and the tubs are bigger so last much longer. I don't know any pies with "Mama" in the name, maybe it is a WA brand only? I don't buy pies anyway, I make my own, but not often these days, it's too much work.

    2. Yes, maybe it was WA or Perth only. Can you believe how many years have flown by since then. We have a British Pie maker. Maybe time to use that again. Reckon a spinach-cheese pie is not even that much work.

    3. Iris; I don't have a pie maker, but my biggest problem is lack of space. I have nowhere to mix and roll out pastry, unless I move a lot of stuff out of the kitchen or all the things off my table, then find somewhere to put it all, then after I have to move it all back. Too much trouble. and I shouldn't eat pastry because I have high cholesterol.

  13. It sounds like they were taken over by someone with a different idea of the right proportion of salty caramel to ice cream. Sad for you.

    1. Charlotte; they haven't been taken over, that would have been in the news.

    2. True, I just checked, and they have beed a brand under General Mills for over 20 years. They maybe just hired a new test-taster ... you should have applied for that job ;)

  14. Edy's or Turkey Hill mint chocolate chip ... that's for me.

    1. Tom; those would be American brands? I'm in Australia. We have mint chocolate chip here too, but I don't like it.

  15. River...............get a pint of icecream. get a jar of ice cream caramel and some pink salt...go to town. I make an apple caramel pink salt cheesecake...whipped it up all by myself...so try it..

  16. Hey River! Those ice creams are crazy high. Last year I bought a Ninja Creami and OMG. Now I make whatever we want and it's our own ingredients. So insanely fun.

  17. I buy the "on sale" brand of ice cream. But even on sale is getting a little expensive.


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