just dropping in to say hi..

I'm not staying long, I'm in a hurry to get back to the book I'm reading.

Called The Mushroom Man, by Stuart Pawson, I began reading it yesterday.
The first chapter didn't really grip my attention, but I kept going in the hope that the story would improve a bit.
Well, it certainly did that. I'm up to page 142 and so far there's been three murders, an accidental death, a suicide and a child kidnapping.

I was reading this at work this morning, (no, not at the checkout), while I waited for my shift to start and I have to say when it was almost time to go downstairs and start work, I really, really, didn't want to.

Yet work I did, for hours, all the while wanting to be reading the story.
So, here I am at home, checking email, reading a blog or three.....four...ten.....okay, all of you.
I may or may not leave comments, because my book is right there beside me, calling...calling...calling....


  1. I so understand the power of and the tyranny of a good book. You know we want a review when you finish it, don't you?

  2. We've all done it. Sat up all night reading.

  3. EC; I don't do good reviews. It's a murder mystery, set in England. The murderer is targeting clergymen and leaving pictures of a mushroom (toadstool) at the murder site.

    Delores; Much as I'd like to, I'd better not stay up all night reading, I have to work tomorrow.

  4. I like those type of books that you can't put down because they keep whispering in your ear read me, read me :-).

  5. ohhhh I love a good book

  6. Windsmoke; they're the best kind, especially if you're in a bit of a blue mood, you can get lost in them and before you know it hours have passed.

    peskypixies; what type of books do you like to read? I like murder mysteries with a bit of forensic information thrown into the story.

  7. I feel sorry for people who haven't ever been swept away by a book - that you MUST finish at all costs!

    My current 'drop everything' read is anything in Canadian author Louise Penny's FAAAAABULOUS crime series set in the fictitious town of Three Pines!!

  8. I love a good juicy read, I'll take on your recommendation and look this one up in the library :)

  9. Red Nomad; Louise Penny...writing that down on my list....

    Jayne; I find a lot of my "can't put down" books at the cheaper shops, such as The Book Boys that we have here in Rundle Mall in the city. Two tables full of novels at $4.99, and lots of other books much cheaper than the big nam book shops.


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