Sunday Selections # 64

It's Sunday Selections time again.

Time to post photos that have been languishing away in your files, never being noticed.

Brought to us by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, this is your chance to show them off.
Post them on a Sunday, link back to Kim and add your name to her linky list before leaving Kim a comment.

That's all you need to do.

Today I have a selection from 2010, I hope you enjoy them.

New spring growth on a young street tree.

New grape vine leaves on someone's pergola.

Pretty in pink.

Bright Blue Borage.

White lilies.

One of my very rare bee captures.

Why not join us and show off some of your older photos that may otherwise never be seen?


  1. I can smell spring just looking at your photos.

  2. Bonza photos, i especially like the Bright Blue Borage and the Bees hard at work :-).

  3. Just lovely. I am especially impressed that you were able to get close enough to the lilies without your allergy kicking in, and a little jealous of your bee. They move too fast, and in unpredictable directions.

  4. Delores; I thought you'd be ready for a taste of spring.

    Windsmoke; I miss my borage plant. I trimmed it back and it died.

    EC; I'm not at all sure they are lilies, although the flower shape would indicate they are. These were in the Botanical Gardens and I probably zoomed in on them. Bees are frustrating to photograph. I think I have three decent shots out of three thousand.

  5. Also jealous of your bee photo, but I especially like the first one, it's the colour of the leaves against the car, just a gorgeous colour :)

  6. Very nice pics, I dont have the energy to post today, I just got back from Port Piries Motocross weekend. It's been a very long weekend for my crew.

  7. permanently amanda; I remember the day I took that first photo, the first real warm day of spring that year.

    Tempo; Hope you enjoyed the Motocross.


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