Sunday Selections # 126

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to The Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.

Kath and Andrew often join in as well.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I have some city skylines for you. 

the north side of Currie Street looking towards West Terrace.

also the north side of Currie Street, but looking towards King William Street. 

after crossing King William Street, Currie Street becomes Grenfell Street and here we see the new Rundle Place construction is almost complete.

a little further down Grenfell Street, another new construction site on the corner where the costume shop used to be.

the Telstra building on the corner of Rundle Mall and Pulteney Street.  I like this because of the symmetry. You saw the back of it in the previous photo.

on the corner of Hutt Street and Carrington Street, a little way out from the city.

the Arkaba Hotel on the corner of Glen Osmond Road and Fullarton Road.


  1. I like the first photo a lot. An acquaintance worked in the Arkaba in the early 70s.

  2. I don't usually like modern buildings, but the Telstra building is an exception. Thank you.
    Adelaide has obviously changed a lot since I was last there (twenty plus years ago). I will have to try and get back there.

  3. Andrew; you like it for the buildings or the cute pedestrian who got in my way?

    Elephant's Child; it is a pretty building, modern, but still nice to look at. I think the symmetry helps.

  4. Hi River,

    That's an interesting virtual visit I just had through downtown. I also like the symmetry of the Telstra building.

    Enjoy the remainder of your Sunday.


  5. klahanie; for such a modern building, the Telstra one is rather beautiful. I think if they had built just a boring rectangular shape I would never even look at it.

  6. I do like that building in the first picture although I must admit the new Telstra building has something going for it...possibly as it is well balanced. Being an oldie I guess I prefer the architecture of days of yore. Thanks for sharing your city with us.

  7. Great photos, River.

    The Telstra building is pretty amazing.

    I'd have to say I like the second photo most - love the distorted reflection in the windows. Kinda like a cool piece of art.
    And the juxtaposition of the little old building swamped by the modern high rises :)

  8. Thanks for the look around your city. I like the unusual architecture of the Telstra, too. Are there many green spaces in the city? (Parks, trees, etc.)

  9. Mimsie; Adelaide has lots of beautiful old buildings. The Telstra one looks good because it is symmetrical and I think also because it is blue and white. The same thing in grey concrete and steel would look awful.

    Vicki; I like window reflections too, sometimes they're better than the original. There's another tiny old building sandwiched between tall glass structures way down at the end of that street. I'll take my camera to the city again and photograph that one too.

    Susan; our city is surrounded by parklands. I'll photocopy the street directory and post the image so you can see all the green areas.


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