Sunday Selections # 127

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to The Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.

Kath and Andrew often join in as well.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections, but not this week. 

Just a couple (or three) random photos.

While waiting at a bus stop on the corner of Fullarton Road and Glen Osmond Road, I glanced towards the hills in the East...

and saw heavy grey clouds rolling in.
I checked my bag for my umbrella, yes it was there.

Turned 90 degrees and faced South....

and saw sunnier skies. Perhaps I wouldn't need the umbrella.

At the other end of my trip I saw this bus stop advertisement for beef...

Doesn't that make you feel all warm and comfy? 
Home cooking and a Nanna blanket.

There isn't going to be a Sunday Selections next week, I'm taking a little holiday to visit my brother and his partner in WA.  Flying out on Friday.

I'll be offline for about 8 days.  When I get back I'll have a lot of catch up reading to do I expect.


  1. Gorgeous skies - and I love the nanna blanket too (just not the beef).
    Have a wonderful time with your brother and his partner. (I may not be playing next week either, as it is the day before the smaller portion's surgery. I will see how it goes.)

  2. You have a wonderful visit. The grannny square Nanna blanket is too funny.

  3. Have a good break in WA, It's not raining over there much better than here.

  4. I manage to not notice most ads, but I have seen that one here. Not sure if it is coming Friday or Friday gone that you will be away. No matter, I can still say have a great time.

  5. Elephant's Child; I love seeing blue sky through the clouds. I hope the surgery goes well for the SP.

    Joanne; I've never been to WA, so it will be interesting and similar all at once.

    Merlesworld; i have tourist info sent by my brother about things to see and do, I'm having a real hard time trying to decide what to choose. Definitely a ferry trip around Rottnest Island.

    Andrew; flying over this coming Friday 5th.

  6. Lovely pics of two contrasts of weather in the one day. Love the beef ad. I used to make nanna blankets but now just keep going in one huge square and they look extra special too. Stripes of different colours. Thanks for today's SS's.

  7. I don't have any pictures, River, but have to say: your pictures of sky look like OUR sky today!

    Imagine that. :-)

    Smiles from Minneapolis,


  8. Hi, Robert here, your potential new boyfriend. Hey, how about sub-letting your flat while you're gone, I know a few plonkos looking for a crash pad, just for a few days.
    I'll be there too, my Sunday Selection for view as you come up the path.

    Most Sincerely.

  9. Happy Elf Mom; it is cute advertising isn't it?

    Mimsie; Adelaide often has two or three different weathers going at once. I love those Nanna blankets.

    Pearl; I'm glad I could make you smile.

    R.H. no, no sub-letting. Ever. Sorry, you'll have to find somewhere else to crash.


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