a surprise Christmas gift

I spent most of yesterday out of the house and soon after I got home there was a knock on the door, a delivery man with a package for me.

I signed for it and checked the stamp to see where it was from as I didn't recall ordering anything online anywhere.....Canada! Who do I know in Canada?
Aha! Delores from Under The Porch Light.

What could this possibly be?
So I opened it....

the package...

the bubble wrap.
And what was inside?

A lovely Christmas card....

with sparkly snowflakes around the edges.

isn't it gorgeous?

And there was something else.....

a cupcake kit! A Christmas themed cupcake kit. This one is the Nutcracker Tale.

cupcake cases.....

and cupcake toppers.

It's the sweetest thing! Almost too nice to use.
But I will use it, of course I will, there are family birthdays coming up that I will make cupcakes for.
Thank you Delores.


  1. What a sweet thing for her to do!!

  2. Very kind and doesn't it make you feel nice, knowing someone has gone to so much trouble.

  3. I'm so glad you liked it.

  4. Lucky girl! what a thoughtful and beautiful gift to receive. I too have been the recipient of parcels from overseas blog-friends and it's just the best thrill! Just lovely River, so thrilled for you!

  5. Hi River,

    The lovely Delores sends the most generous of gifts. I certainly know that. How very nice of her.

    Have a great rest of your weekend.

    Gary :)

  6. Well that's really sweet, I love surprise gifts.
    The Nutcracker is my favourite ballet.

  7. That's fantastic!! And SO cool that your Xmas has been extended!! I look forward to seeing the results of the kit when you use it!!

  8. How gorgeous. What a WONDERFUL surprise.

  9. fishducky; one of the sweetest gifts I ever received. Delores herself is sweet too.

    Andrew; it did make me feel quite special.

    Delores; I love it. I'm thinking chocolate cupcakes, maybe with strawberry frosting. Or vanilla.

    Joanne; she has a knack that's for sure.

    Rose~from Oz; It's lovely to receive gifts from friends, I like sending things too.

    klahanie; I'm having a lovely time looking through my cake recipes, deciding which one to use for this kit.

    Merlesworld; I've never seen any ballets, but I've read the nutcracker Story.

    Red Nomad OZ; I feel like I've had two Christmases. I'll definitely post pictures of what I make.

  10. You are so fortunate as that is a beautiful gift. What a lovely surprise and of course you will use it and enjoy doing so too.

  11. Elephant's Child; a truly wonderful surprise. I'll think of Delores every time I make cupcakes.

    Mimsie; I'm looking forward to baking a batch of cupcakes as soon as the weather cools down.

  12. Surprise gifts in the post are always a joy. One "meets" such lovely friends in the blogging world. I hope you enjoy everything she sent you.

  13. What a wonderfully kind gift! Yes, do post photos.


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