Happy New Year!!

Welcome 2014, come in and stay a while....

Ha Ha

Perfect. Just like me. 

May you all live long and prosper.

thank you google for all the images I've found on your sites.


  1. Happy New Year to you ..... may 2014 be the best yet.

  2. All cute images! I hope 2014 is a great year for you!

    Happy New Year!


  3. Happy New Year, River. May 2014 be the best

  4. Love that Calvin & Hobbes cartoon!

    Happy New Year to you River. I hope it's a wonderful year for you and your family.

    We are still in 2013 here for another 3½ hours..

  5. There are not enough perfect people in the world I need to meet more of them.
    Happy New Year.

  6. Thanks for a very fun year with lovely flowers and garden plans. Happy new year!

  7. I often wonder whether Calvin is drawn from real like. I hope not - but suspect he is.
    Happy New Year.


  9. Hi River,

    I was delighted to find out that 2014 actually happened. And now we in Britain join you.

    Happy New Year.

    Gary :)

  10. Delores; 2014 has been pretty good so far. Happy New Year.

    betty; I like the google one.2014 is going to be great. Happy New Year.

    Molly; I hope your 2014 is great too.Happy New Year.

    Marie; Calvin and Hobbes is my favourite. I hope your 2014 is also great. Happy New Year.

    Merlesworld; every one is perfect in their own special way. Some are perfectly lovely, some are perfect fools....Happy New Year.

    Andrew; right back atcha!

    Joanne; thank you too for all your lovely photos. Happy New Year.

    Elephant's Child; I'm sure there are more than a few Calvins out there. Happy New Year.

    fishducky; Happy New Year to you too. I look forward to more laughs from you.

    klahanie; Happy New Year to you Gary and to Penny and Tristan also. I hope 2014 brings you much peace.

  11. Wishing you a wonderful, bright 2014 River. I hope it is a very good year for you :)

  12. Hope 2014 brings you everything you are hoping for. We look forward to more of your brilliant writing, always so enjoyable to read.
    Loved all the pics, especially the second one.
    I too am grateful for all the wonderful stuff I've found on Google and the information on Wikipedia too. Without them our world would be much smaller.
    Do let me know the title of the latest DF book please. I must write it down in future before I wrap it. lol

  13. Vicki; wishing the same for you, hope all your craft markets do very well.

    Mimsie; I hope 2014 brings everything everyone is hoping for. World peace would be nice....(so would a lottery win)
    The latest Dick Francis book hasn't arrived yet, I finished reading Decider, it was really, really good.

  14. Happy new year you sexy old trout, next year I'm taking you on a boat up the Yarra, right through the middle of all the fireworks. How's that. No ex-husband ever did that for you!

  15. R.H. trout??? I'll have you know, sir, there is nothing fishy about me.
    Happy New Year.

  16. Hi River,

    Happy New Year from oop North!





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