Whimsical Wednesday #107

Welcome back to Whimsical Wednesday!

The day for your googled giggle that gets you over the hump that is Wednesday and sliding down into the  weekend.

Any requests?


  1. Just anything you care to play. Bears rule!

  2. Elephant's Child; I hope he plays better than I do.

  3. And me. No musical talent or ability here.

  4. EC; when it comes to music my best effort is listening.

  5. It's impawsible not to smile.

    Hmmm... requests? Can you play the Beer Barrel Polka. It must surely be Schützenfest time in Adelaide.

  6. Very droll. Must show Phil next time he's out here. Beethoven is his favourite composer. :)

  7. All kids like to plink on the piano...bear kids too it appears.

  8. This gave me a real chuckle, thank you River!

  9. This gave me a real chuckle, thank you River!

  10. Marie; Schutzenfest was last week, my son went and got another beer stein. He has quite the collection now. All plastic. He had one glass stein, but it got broken, which I thought was near impossible they are so thick and tough.

    Mimsie; I don't know much about classical music or the composers, can't tell one from another just by listening.

    Delores; I remember plinking on the Sunday School piano once when waiting for a friend to finish putting away the hymn books. I was asked to leave. No talent whatsoever, also I didn't belong to that church.

    DeniseinVA; you're welcome.

  11. Ahhh... a week late. I was trying to remember if it was before or after Australia Day. All I remember was that it was HOT. And the kerfuffle when they moved the Schützenfest from Hahndorf to Bonython Park. I've never been to it, but then I don't drink beer. Very unAustralian of me I know (I suspect I'm on Sam Kekovich's blacklist).

  12. Marie; I don't drink beer either and don't care if that makes me unAustralian. I don't eat lamb either, that would definitely put me on Sam's blacklist and you know what? I don't care about that either. I went to Schutzenfest once when it was still held in Handorf, it was a fabulous day out! I was 17 and had just recently moved to live with mum, we went together.


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