I've bought a knife sharpener

I'd seen this Scanpan model on Andrew's blog and really like the look of it.

He said it worked well too, so I made up my mind to buy one. I searched a few stores but couldn't see any; last week I was in a housewares shop in Norwood, just passing time while waiting for the bus that would bring me home, (via the city and another bus...), when I glanced up and spotted these on a high shelf.

checked my wallet....not enough cash. Bugger. I didn't want to come all the way back another day, so decided to use the debit card. I knew there was enough money in the bank.

and here it is...

isn't it beautiful? It is firmly attached to the base and you hold the handle while gently pulling the knives through the slots on the right there.

if you enlarge the image you may be able to see the slots are numbered 1,2,3.

Number one on the left is for regenerating blades that have not been sharpened in a year or more.
Like mine.
My knives are easily ten-fifteen years old and I've never sharpened them.
Yet they still cut rather well. Some of them are cheap $3.00 blades from a Chinese Supermarket.
Others are more expensive, bought at a closing down or stocktake sale. 

Number two is for sharpening, recommended every 2-3 months and number three slot is for honing the blade for everyday use.
I started with number one and worked my way to number three with each of my knives and the cheap cleavers.
Now they are all so sharp they could almost pass for samurai swords! 
I have to buy more of these sharpeners as Christmas gifts!


  1. I'm picturing blood in the sink come washing up time :-)

    Seriously, that looks like a very snazzy sharpener. I have a small Victorinox handheld manual knife sharpener which I use on my knives. I needed something compact and portable enough to have on the boat, caravan and in the summer house. Although I always forget that I've sharpened the knives and invariably cut myself. I think if they were samauri swaord sharp, it might prove fatal.

  2. Those sound great. I'm going to keep my eye open for something like that.

  3. My son is my knife sharper he says my knifes are alway blunt, and yes I often cut my hand in the washing up.
    I have silcon knives now they don't need sharpening.

  4. I'm so glad you posted this, River. I've been thinking about a knife sharpener, but hadn't the opportunity to scour the kitchen shops in search of a good one.

    I like Scanpan knives - used one a few years ago and was very impressed with the way it felt in my hands when I used it. I have thought about getting a new knife, and now, I'll be making it a Scanpan AND a sharpener too.

  5. Mind the fingers. My cooking relatives insist on very sharp knives. I wonder what they use.

  6. Uhhh, ok, I'm sold!
    My husband used to be my knife-sharpener, but he's home so little now, they get really dull and it drives me crazy.
    I'll be on the hunt for one of these come payday!

  7. Marie; I rarely cut myself washing up. Those few times I did recently were an anomaly, truly. This sharpener is reasonably compact, yet big enough to not get lost in a drawer. It's 20cm long x 9 1/2cm high.
    I prefer my knives sharp, a quick slice is much better than having to saw through stuff.

    Delores; I knew it would be good, Scanpan is a reliable brand, but I was surprised to find my old cheap blades sharpened so well.

    Merle; are you sure it's the knives that are cutting you in the washing up? Blunt blades shouldn't, perhaps there is something else with an edge? Veggie peeler? Grater? I don't like blunt blades.

    Vicki; I don't have any Scanpan knives, my daughter has a set and I'm not happy with how they feel in my grip. I like my cheap chinese cleavers and the other knives in the block, let me check...the name stamped on the blades says Richardson. The knives are so old it has worn off on all except the bread knife.

    Joanne; my fingers are safe enough, the recent bout of cuts was definitely a deviation from the norm for me. Find out what your relatives use and maybe get them to sharpen your knives for you.

  8. That looks great. It is a fact you will cut yourself more on blunt knives than you will sharp.

    When I was cooking professionally in restaurants etc. my knives were always razor sharp. Sometimes a guy would come around and sharpen them for me; other times I took them to my butcher to really hone them; and other times I attended to them myself.

    I'm a bit slack these days now I've retired. I might look into that sharpener...it looks good.

  9. It does look good. We have had a number of knife sharpeners over the years - and return to using a steel. I will keep an eye out for it.

  10. Toni; I found mine in a "House" store which sells dinnerware, glasses, utensils, pots and pans etc.

    Lee; my daughter takes hers to a butcher. When her in-laws still had a farm they would take a cow and the knives to their local butcher and in a couple of days or the next day they pick up the packaged meat and the sharpened knives. Sharp is definitely better than blunt.

    Elephant's Child; my dad was a whizz with the steel, lightning fast. I tried to learn but never got that wrist motion right.

  11. It is a product that is expensive, yet really well designed. My partner tells me when knives need sharpening, and it is a pleasure to use.

  12. That is certainly a snazzy knife sharpener. I bought one years ago from a book one of those people would leave on our front verandah from time to time an it still works well but nothing like as smart as your new one. I do still use a steel at times but prefer the sharpener these days.
    Years ago I worked in the office of firm that were butchers and I think made smallgoods. I remember one of the men there telling me that you seldom cut yourself with a sharp knife but are much more likely to do so if your knife is blunt.

  13. Andrew; a little on the expensive side, but well worth the money. If the brand wasn't a well known reliable one I wouldn't have tried it, but after what you wrote I decided to give it a chance.

    Mimsie; He's right about the sharpness. With a blunt knife you have to use too much pressure to cut and that can cause a knife to slip, thus cutting your hand or fingers. A sharp knife will slice easily without pressure. I never got the hang of using a steel, my dad was really good at it though.
    I've caught up with all your blog posts now after almost falling asleep on you the other day.


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