Sunday Selections # 165

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to TheElephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.

Kath and Andrew often join in as well, although Kath has been quite busy lately and unable to join us.
There are several other semi-regular participants now though:
Jackie K at WorkingThrough It

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I'm continuing with some photos I took on my walkabout.  

looking back towards Adelaide city centre as I walk across the Albert Bridge and head into North Adelaide.

another city view, but I can't quite remember where I was when I took this. Possibly somewhere along War Memorial Drive.

after wandering around and finding the horses featured in yesterday's post, I sat and looked at our Adelaide Hills, close enough to make out a few buildings, yet far enough away over park lands and Eastern suburbs to appear hazy in the sunshine. 

got a little bit of horse blanket in this one.

I'd been wandering around for four hours without realising it, then on my way back to a bus stop, I took cloud photos.

smaller clouds in front of larger ones

does that one close to the centre look like a flying pig to anyone else? 
And the one to the right like a dancing pig? Up on his hind legs, chest puffed out? 

here's a close up of the feathery bits.

I also found some lovely old chimneys with chimney pots. I'll feature those next Sunday, just for Jayne.


  1. What a lovely stroll down memory lane for me. When I was at Adelaide Uni, I lived at St Ann's College and crossed over Albert Bridge every day on my way to the Ligertwood Building, listening to those howler monkeys from the zoo greet every morning. I can tell you that the view has changed quite a bit from when I was there.

    I love your cloud shots as well. Those feathery ones are cirrus clouds or "mares' tails" (ties in nicely with yesterday's post). They usually mean that you'll be in for a change in the weather in the next 12 hours and the wind (generally strong) will be coming from the direction of the "curl". We used to do a lot of cloud watching on the sailing boat, finding that watching them, plus the barometer and hygrometer was far more accurate than the tosh they reported on the news.

  2. Lovely walk.

    And I adore the clouds. I spend a lot of time watching them, and marvelling at the shapes. I am looking forward to your chimmney pots too.

  3. I can see flying pig and the photo above that one is intriguing. Yes, Jayne does like her chimneys.

  4. Beautiful cloud shots.

  5. The dancing pig seems to be smoking, too. The one above looks like an imp, floating along, contemplating. Yes, the cloud pictures are great.

  6. I really do enjoy walking with you and seeing your city.
    Why is there what looks like a Crows jumper with #19 on one of the buildings? That intrigued me a lot.
    The clouds looked different to me. The middle one more like a mouse and the one on the right made me think of Tweetie Pie standing up whistling. Perhaps seeing them on a photo is different to seeing them 'in the flesh' so to speak?
    We had rain actually brought tears to my eyes when I heard it on the roof of the patio. I know that seems stupid but 4 months is a long time without that sound and I so love winter. At our place I think we could have had between 5-10mm. Must get that rain gauge out and set it up again.

  7. Marie; Albert Bridge is a very pretty bridge isn't it? Thank you for the cloud information, I may start paying more attention to the different patterns.

    Elephant's Child; now I'm wishing I had photographed more chimneys...I only took a couple.

    Andrew; I hope Jayne tunes in for a look.

    Delores; thank you, the sky was so lovely that day.

    Joanne; I hadn't noticed the imp, I'll have to have another look.

    Mimsie; I'm so glad you've finally had some rain! I remember desperately waiting for rain to cool things down a few years ago and when it started I actually left my checkout and went outside for a few seconds to get a bit wet. Luckily we weren't overwhelmed with customers at the time, the boss just laughed.
    I'm not sure about the Crows jumper on the building, probably something to do with the "Showdown" match between Port and Crows, the very first match at the new Adelaide Oval. That was played yesterday and Port won, I could hear my neighbour screaming her joy with every goal.

  8. You live in a pretty city, River.

    Isn't it nice to be lost in a world of your own and find out it's been hours? I love that.
    I see the fluffy pig. It's a great past time, seeing shapes and figures in clouds.

  9. Vicki; it is pretty, I love it here.
    I usually find walking with my camera or reading a book is where I lose the most hours and what an enjoyable way to lose time.

  10. I am enjoying my walk with you...... Sent you an email.


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