Sunday Selections # 161

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to TheElephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.

Kath and Andrew often join in as well, although Kath has been quite busy lately and unable to join us.
There are several other participants now though:
Jackie K at WorkingThrough It

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I'm continuing with some photos of my most recent trip to Semaphore beach.

breaking waves near the shore
a breakwater down towards Semaphore South
a trail of seaweed left by the tide

our lifeguard/sharkspotter hut

a tiny sandcastle

this one hasn't survived the rigours of coastal life

looking back over the scrub covered dunes to the amusement rides

more sandy dunes, I didn't realise I'd wandered so far from the jetty

more scrub covered dunes. at the bottom left you can see the path taken by people, the sand on that is quite deep and very soft, my shoes sank in quite a bit, on either side the surface of the dunes is crusty and firm. 

let's finish with another jetty photo.



  1. I could almost smell that air. Thank you - it is obviously too long since I have been to a beach and this post reminded me that I miss it.

  2. I really love the jetties dotted along the Adelaide suburban beaches. Wandering along them on a summer evening, a double cone ice-cream in hand watching the fishermen vie for the best spot was something I loved to do. And Semaphore was a favourite beach as it is so kid-friendly. Lovely to see the long stretches of sand and that brilliant blue sky.

  3. Long sun kissed beaches, a cool mild wind and gritty sand under the feet very refreshing.

  4. It looks so peaceful. Your piers are very photographic. Why not our? I think most of ours have straight poles or concrete.

  5. A little touch of sun and sand in my otherwise frozen day. Thanks for that.

  6. So nice! I'm already planning another trip to the coast, and your photos will "tide" me over nicely til I get there!

    I really like your photos of the jetty - there's something about the now grey timbers, weathered by the sea.

  7. I'm wondering why I've never been a fan of beaches or sand. Don't know, except it's tough to walk uphill in sand. Your pictures are lovely, however.

  8. Elephant's Child; are you close enough to a beach to go a couple of times a year?

    Marie; I remember wandering along the jetty there in the early am or at dusk when there were more fishermen and sometimes their grandkids or a bunch of teenage boys all checking crab pots or pulling in tommy ruffs.

    Merle; we do have plenty of long sun kissed beaches from Outer Harbor all the way down to Sellicks Beach, then there are more sandy stretches around the Encounter Bay, Victor Harbor and Goolwa areas.

    Andrew; you'll have to take some pier photos and show us. The ones across the Yarra are proper bridges which would explain the straight poles and concrete, but I don't remember the Melbourne beaches at all.

    Delores; I thought this would warm your heart a little. Enjoy.

    Vicki; weathered grey timbers, matching weathered grey beach shacks beyond sandy dunes, I can't imagine anything more peaceful. Of course it's been a while since I've seen any weathered grey shacks, so many places are being prettied up in the name of tourism.

    Joanne; some people just don't like them. One of my daughters doesn't, you can't get her on the sand at all anymore. I don't think she has been to the beach since she was about ten or eleven.
    Walking uphill through soft sand is hell on the thigh muscles if you don't do it often enough.

  9. How did the place get its name? was there a Semaphore relay station close by or what?
    At age 11 I was capable of sending semaphore at about eight words a minute, but sadly only receive at about six WPM.
    However, I was never called upon to use my limited skills while in the R N.
    Unfortunately our local beach although pristine and beautiful, slopes downward, too much of a struggle for myself but OK for fitness freaks.

  10. Lovely photos and once again, thanks for sharing.
    If ever it cools down again in Perth I am determined to get out as much as I can. Can't walk as you but even from the car hopefully I can see things around me and even perhaps take some snapshots.
    3 centuries in a row is just a little too much and still not a drop of rain. They are promising 29 at end of week but I think the bureau are perhaps just teasing us. I'll believe it when it happens.

  11. It's been many years since I've been there, but it's hardly changed at all.

  12. Vest; I've never bothered to find out why it is called Semaphore, possibly there was a relay station as it is close to Port Adelaide where the big ships dock.

    Mimsie; sad to hear you are still suffering from the heat over there. Our own temps are going to be low 30s for a couple of days this coming week, but we are definitely cooler now. I wish you could get the same relief and some rain too. Real rain that will soak the earth and get things growing again as well as cooling you all. It would be nice for you to get out in the car a bit, a change of scenery is good for the soul as well as the blog.

    Kymbo; I hope it stays largely unchanged, but tourism has eyes and greedy fingers....

  13. That is my kind of beach. I love front beaches with their gentle waves, pretty jetties and sand dunes. Beautiful.

  14. Lovely photos! I'm going to give Sunday Selections a shot. Now, I need to go rifle through my photos and see what I can come up with. Thank you for coming up with such a wonderful idea.

  15. Jackie K; it's a beautiful beach. I love it in winter too, standing on the jetty while the wind roars and the waves crash.

    Mildred; Sunday Selections is originally from Kim at Frog Ponds Rock, but we'd be very pleased to have you join us! I'll look out for your Sundays.

  16. River, Semaphore got its name from the huge flagpole that was erected at the hotel in the 1850s on the corner of The Esplanade and Blackler Street. It flew an enormous white trianglular flag (advertising another pub at The Port) which could be seen out at sea by ships on their way to Port Adelaide.

    I believe that later there was a station there to record tides, vessel movements etc and a Post and Telegraph station, but the original name was from the pub's flag. :-)


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