Musical Monday #2

Musical Monday
I was introduced to Musical Monday by Delores;  the meme is the brainchild of Mildred Ratched, who wishes to make Mondays a more Musical place to be.
I think it's a great idea!

The rules of Musical Monday are easy:

1. Post a song of your choice under the Musical Monday title.
2. If the song you post is not an original song, make sure credit is given to the artist.  (*)
3. Write something about your song choice. It doesn't have to be long. Just a short written glimpse inside your head to accompany your musical one will suffice.
3. Post a link back to Mildred Ratched somewhere in your post so others can find their way there.
4. Post a comment here indicating that you're participating so Mildred and others can visit you and listen to our selection.
5. Have fun and help make Monday a musical place to be!
(*)  I’ll be finding my postings on you tube, so will simply credit that site since there are often so many versions of everything and I wouldn’t want to accidentally credit the wrong artist.

My choice today is an upbeat version of Amazing Grace that was tagged onto the end of the movie Maverick starring Mel Gibson, Jodie Foster and James Garner.
I loved the movie and I've always liked this song, so the combination appeals to me. A lot.

I hope you all enjoy it too.


  1. I have never heard such a hoppy boppy version - it is fun. Thankyou.

    How is Angel this morning?

  2. That is one upbeat version of an old favourite.

  3. Everyone had so much more hair in them thar days. I've never heard this song done wrong. Thanks for bringing it to the party.

  4. LOVE this version!!

  5. Really enjoyed that movie as I am a fan of James Garner but prefer the more conventional version of that hymn. A lady with a beautiful voice sang it at my brother's funeral so it means rather a lot to me.
    P.S. I really loved the TV series "Maverick" which starred James Garner and Jack Kelly.

  6. Elephant's Child; I prefer my music boppy and fun. Angel is fantastic. Cheeky and snuggly.

    Delores; I prefer upbeat, anything that has me dancing in my chair or even better getting up to bop around the room is great.

    Joanne; almost 70s hair isn't it? Every one with a full head. Still, that's Hollywood. It's a great version isn't it?

    fishducy; me too! I have it on my I-pods. All of them.

    Mimsie; we sang a conventional version at my sister in laws funeral and I cried so much I thought I would never stop. She was much too young to die and her husband and son went with her. It was a car accident.

  7. What a big gathering of country stars. That's a great beat and makes one tap the toes.

  8. A nice song.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  9. River that must have been so dreadful to lose a family like that. I can understand why you perhaps played an upbeat version of this.

  10. That's a super catchy version. Now, I'll have an earworm when I go to bed :)

    You're going to get many, "how's Angel?" from now on.
    Such a sweet little face. Ever so happy that she has a loving home with you.

  11. Hi River,

    Aha - as a huge fan of music, I might just join this one!!




  12. It does bring a smile to my face and was so suited to the scene.

    How sad to lose your loved ones so tragically, River. Such sorrow...

  13. Oh my, so great country singers there, some great voices. Loved Maverick, in all its forms.

    The hair?!!!

  14. I've never heard this version (nor seen the movie) - it's incredible that it sounds so very different.

    Do you remember when Andrew Denton had guests do their own version of "Stairway to Heaven" on one of his shows (maybe "The Money or The Gun")? That was a song I never much cared for even though I'm a big fan of Led Zeppelin, but even so, every guest artist did a version in their own style and each one is so unique that you realise just how different a song can be depending on the artist. There's a bizarre "pirate" version of it that is hilarious done by Friends Of The Castenet Club that remains my favourite. I think in all there were 26 versions ... I must look for them now you've reminded me.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your associations to the song and a family tragedy. My sister-in-law died along with her 4 year old daughter in a car accident on Valentine's Day in 1982. I've seen it as a day of sorrow ever since, so I can fully understand what the slow, churchy version of the song does to you.

  15. Manzanita; it does get you tapping, even moving if you're out of your chair.

    WordsPoeticallyWorth; thank you, glad you enjoyed it.

    Mimsie; it was almost 30 years ago, but I still get sad thinking of it.

    Vicki; I prefer upbeat, especially for ear worms. angel has settled in so well, it's hard to believe she's been here only 2 1/2 days.

    Plasman; yes, please join, the more the merrier.

    Lee; I thought it was the perfect ending to the movie. The accident was a very long time ago, but the song brings it back.

    Susan Kane; the movie and the TV show were favourites here. Had to laugh at that long perm on Reba McEntire. Short hair is so much better for her.

    Marie; I never watched that show by Andrew Denton, I don't think I've watched anything with Andrew Denton, but I'll check you tube later for Stairway To Heaven.
    Car accidents are a horrible way to die; this one of ours was almost 30 years ago.

  16. I quite liked Andrew Denton - he was certainly very on the ball and prepared to ask the difficult question, which many journalists steer away from these days. Or maybe that's just here...

    You can see all versions of the song on You Tube here (the pirate one is last - even Robert Plant and Jimmy Page thought it was a hoot). Yeah, I wasted half the day yesterday listening to them after I commented :-)


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