Sunday Selections # 168

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to The Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.

Kath and Andrew often join in as well, although Kath has been quite busy lately and unable to join us.
There are several other participants now though:
Jackie K at WorkingThrough It

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I'm continuing with some photos of my walk around North Adelaide.

I rounded a corner and found I'd have to walk up this not-so-steep hill. Looks almost flat doesn't it? 
Yet I was out of breath when I reached the top.

a lot of the properties are huge blocks of apartments with barely room for a mosquito between them, so there are these narrow access lanes for the people to be able to bring their wheelie bins to the curb from the back of the property. There are no driveways, I have to assume car access is via a common driveway at the rear of the block. 

in North Adelaide, all roads lead to park lands (eventually), some like this one are sports ovals...or just flat green grass...

...others have been left with native trees and shrubs. A sound buffer between the main roads and the houses. A slice of Aussie bushland right here in the city. 

still others have dog walking tracks, the sign reads dogs must be on a leash I think.

I saw a pink flowering gum tree and heard dozens of bees but couldn't spot any.

and of course the horse agistment paddock with a roll of hay waiting to be spread for the horses.

and there was this! if my memory is correct I think this is a wedding planner-wedding singer business.

Finally, a bold red gate set into a hedged fence. Every other gate in this street was dull, this one makes a statement.


  1. I have been enjoying this walk. Thank you.
    Love the green spaces - a balm for tired eyes/ears/hearts.
    And that red gate is a stunner. I bet Merle loves it too.

  2. My kinda gate!
    We have a sweet gum tree. The leaves are entirely different.

  3. Yes I do love a red gate as you all know.
    I like a wonder around other places, it's been 35 years since I visited your Adelaide has it changed much I always think of it as a big country town warm and friendly.

  4. It is hard to believe that such bushland is so close to the city. Red gates are good.

  5. Great images, River.
    Confirming always, that Adelaide is a beautiful city.
    And, I love a red door and gate. There is a special touch of class, yet boldness, about them. Especially when set in a green hedge like this.

  6. Adelaide is so beautiful. Lovely peaceful walk that looks like.

  7. Elephant's Child; with all the green areas, Adelaide is very easy on the eyes. I thought of Merle when I spotted the gate.

    Joanne; our gums are Eucalypts, we just call them gums for I don't know what reason...there are so many different types too. Is your sweet gum a Eucalypt?

    Merle; Adelaide is still warm and friendly, more city than it used to be, but still not as big or busy as Sydney and Melbourne. With the whole state having a smaller population than the Eastern states Adelaide will probably never be as big, but that is part of our charm I think. I knew you would like the gate.

    Andrew; it is a very dense strip of bushland, when standing on the footpath in front of the houses you can hardly hear the traffic on the other side of those trees.

    Vicki; I like the red too, I'd like to paint my front door red, but the block has grey doors and trim so it just wouldn't look good. I think all the doors in the whole complex are this awful institution grey. Very neutral.
    Adelaide does have so many beautiful spots.

    Jackie K; that walk was so peaceful I didn't realise how far and how long I'd walked until I looked at my watch and saw it was 4.30pm.

  8. That was one surprising and beautiful walk.

  9. River! The colour grey (in all hues) complements red beautifully.
    Be bold. Do it!

  10. I think Joanne's sweet gum is what we know as a Liquidambar. Not a eucalypt at all - those with gorgeous autumnal leaves.

  11. What a relaxing walk through North Adelaide. Some of those inclines can be quite deceptive, especially if they are a long slope.

    I've always liked the face that the city is surrounded by that belt of parklands and that in this area while there are some sportsfields, golf courses etc, a big part of it has been left more or less in a natural state with gum trees, shrubs and a lot of bird life. And it does provide an effective sound barrier to the traffic. This is a pretty affluent area and they lobby hard to retain every bit of green space that they can - and good on them.

    That pink flowering gum is especially stunning, with the pretty grey-green foilage. I have a few gum leaves that I keep at home just to enjoy their shape. Obviously they don't grow here, although I think Snow Gums, that you can find in the Snowy Mountain region can be grown in the south of the country.

  12. What beautiful photos ... such greenery. It's been a long, white winter here and I'm absolutely thirsting for spring to arrive. Such beauty you are surrounded by.

  13. Susan Kane; thank you, I do like to share my pretty city.

    Vicki; but the actual building is a pale, pale green, a washed out version of what they used to call spearmint. The handrails and doors are the grey bits. I think the other tenants might object if I went bright red. Quite possibly the landlord too, SAHT.

    Elephant's Child; I LOVE liquidambars! If I had room....

    Marie; I love the surrounding parklands too, but I wish some of them could be a bit better maintained. The North Adelaide (affluent) section is fine, but the rest of the city could use a bit more frequent watering at least.
    I found out when I tried to ride my bike around that the streets aren't as flat as they seem. Oh my aching thighs!
    The North Adelaide lobbyists also lobby against change/progress, which is why the old Le Cornu site has been a vacant wasteland for about 20 years now. Development plans have been put forward numerous times and shot down just as often.
    Feel free to print and frame the flowering gum, hang it in your kitchen for a touch of "home".

    Cathy Oliffe-Webster; we have such a mild climate here that is how Adelaide looks most of the year, even our winters have many sunny days.

  14. I'm really running late but I walked along with you and enjoyed the sights especially that red gate and aren't our Aussie gum trees fantastic?


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