Angel is home again

If I could get a photo of him standing up, you'd see how much he looks like a miniature black lion, but already he's running around too fast. The grogginess of anaesthetic seems to have worn off already.

Just home and very groggy, trying to walk but his legs kept folding under him

he made it to the food bowl. The vet said be careful of him jumping around too soon, well, Angel had different ideas, leapt out of the carrier as soon as I unlatched it. I didn't even open the door, he nudged it with his nose and was out before I could catch him.

napping on the bed.

here you can see the ridges left by the shaver. The vet said she didn't see any fleas at all, so that's a good thing.

he's back at the food bowl, jumped off the bed by himself. I didn't know he was awake until I heard him thud to the floor.

some of his stripe pattern is still visible.

here he is already wanting to go outside, meowing quite insistently too, but the vet said not too soon so I'm ignoring the pleas for freedom.

The grogginess wore off faster than I expected and he's running from front door to back door hoping I'll open either one. No way. He can use the litter tray today.


  1. Just ignore him...get some ear plugs, perhaps...for you, not him! :)

    Don't give in to him....he's better off inside. I know you won't keep indoors permanently...but in the meantime...he's where he should be. :)

    1. Lee; he settled down after a couple of hours; now of course he has been outside a couple of times, but doesn't stay out as long and I plan on keeping him in at nights.

  2. Once a cat has become accustomed to the out doors there is no keeping them in. You are in for a noisy day lol.

    1. only slightly confused; angel was born outdoors and had that freedom for his first four months. He wasn't too noisy after a while, jumped onto the bed and went back to sleep.

  3. Ear plugs sound like the best option.

    1. joeh; I have some, but they're in a box inside a box in the suitcase in the top-of-wardrobe section. Not worth the trouble of dragging in the big ladder just for those.

  4. Replies
    1. Happy Elf Christine; I'm still trying to get a photo of him standing, every time he sees the camera he sits and poses.

  5. The last time I had Chantel (my sweet baby Himalayan cat) I was really worried how long it took her to regain her balance. At 18 she is needing to be sedated for teeth cleaning and they do her grooming while she's under.

    1. Cheryl; Angel is only three, so recovery is quicker, but even allowing for that, I'm surprised at how quickly he does get steady again. After a second nap he was back to normal. I hope Angel makes it to 18. My daughter's cat, Missy is close to 18.

  6. He's still handsome!!

    1. fishducky; I'll tell him you said so. Surprisingly, even completely shaved, he's larger than I thought at first. He's a sturdy boy.

  7. We had a long haired cat who refused to be groomed, basically refused to be touched, so we would have to have him shaved at least once a year, besides us, the groomer was the only person who liked him but he did look kinda magnificent with his lion cut just as he looked like a little bear when his hair was all grown out. I miss him...

    1. Grace; Angel isn't fond of being brushed, I can only do his back and tail while he is eating, but when he's relaxed by the computer I can scratch him pretty much all over and if I find a knot he doesn't mind me cutting it out, unless it's near his private parts. that's off limits.

  8. ... hello Angel... you look fresh and cool.. great summer style....
    .. Barb xxxx

    1. Barbara; I'm wondering if I should get him done every summer, just for comfort. I know I've been thinking of getting my own hair cut for comfort and cool, but then I think of the winter and how much warmer the long hair is.

  9. Ridgeback! It's good to have his fur a bit shorter for summer. He looks to almost be a different colour in each photo.

    1. Andrew; a bit shorter, ha ha. Three inches of fluff is gone! His colour is different on each side, one side has more striping and camera angles/lighting makes a difference too. In daylight, from a distance, he just looks smooth grey now.

  10. The IceBear is on my chair and looking woeful. I tried to eke out his dental kibble until pension day with other dried food and I think one of his teeth is hurting. He went totally bonkers when I took down the cat carrier and since I dont' have a death wish involving sharp claws, I'll wait.

    1. JahTeh; I'm so sorry IceBear has toothache, that really needs to be seen to sooner rather than later. Do you have someone who can help get him into a carrier and to the vet? which dental kibble to you buy? I thought all dried food was good for the teeth, didn't realise there was special dental kibble. Unless you mean the Greenies treats, they're only supposed to get a few of those per day and my vet is always sold out, ditto pet stores, so Angel doesn't get any anymore.

  11. Looking so cute lying napping.
    Glad he is home

    All the best Jan


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