Calendar Tuesday

It's Tuesday!

February 7th and time again for Calendar Tuesday.

First up, Life of Teddy:

Happy Valentine's Day

Moving on to Violent Veg:

Nothing beats a bit of kinky corn

and finally, Suzy Toronto:

I'd Rather Be the One Who Smiled, Than the One Who Didn't Smile Back

and here is what it says:

 I'd Rather Be The One Who Smiled ..... Than The One Who Didn't Smile Back

Ok, so I admit it. I smile a lot.
Anyone within ten feet of me gets one.

It just makes me feel good! Now, don't get me wrong: my life is not always overflowing with sunshine.
I promise you that I have trials just like everyone.

But for me, a smile is my commitment to myself that I am in charge of how I feel.
So I choose happiness and joy even on my darkest days.

The interesting part is when people don't smile back.
Some duck their heads and turn away.

Many glance off in another direction.
Others actually scowl and look at me like I'm crazy.

But isn't it better to be the one who smiled?
Why waste one precious moment with frowns on our faces?

It's not always easy. Sometimes I smile through tears and sorrow. But each time I do, I feel a rush of adrenaline lift me up.

You can do it too!
Choose to be the person who smiled, rather than the one who didn't smile back.



  1. Replies
    1. only slightly confused; I have days when I don't feel like smiling, but usually end up giving random people smiles, because I've received a few. It helps to improve the mood and I usually get home feeling better than when I left.

  2. In the morning, walking to the train I often met a lady on a morning walk. SHe smiled and I not a morning person did not smile back, she would always say, "COme on, smile, it can't be that bad." And I would think, "How the F do you know? I'll smile when I feel like smiling...thank you very much." I always hated that lady!

    but then I say "I like everyone I've ever met and I hate everyone else." I feel like we've met through this medium, so were good, keep smiling.

    1. joeh; I once had an order from the boss at work that I was to smile more at the checkout; I told him I smile plenty, just right now I was having a bad back pain day. He said to smile anyway...
      Mostly I'm pretty cheery and give out smiles to everyone, here's one for you :)

  3. I smile at everyone. I hold doors, too. Life's too short.

    1. Joanne; I'm a door holder too and smile as I do it. Life is too short to be selfish and sour. I have bad days, just like anyone, but I try to stay home then.

  4. I smile and it's best when they smile back.

    1. S.J.Qualls; it's nice when they smile back, but if they don't I can accept that. Everyone has a reason for not smiling at any particular moment.

  5. people who smile make the world go 'round

    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; yes they do. I have a poem written down somewhere that starts "smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu, when someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too" and goes on from there. I should find it and post it.

  6. I always smile, the world is just a better place for it.
    Let's all pass a smile on ...

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member; I used to have a card that read "if you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours"

  7. .. Hi River... I love the Smile page too. I does feel good to smile at people ..
    ..the Valentine Teddies are gorgeous ....
    ..Barb xxxx

    1. Barbara; the teddies are cute, I love dressed up teddies. Smiling is great isn't it?

  8. I agree wholeheartedly, River. I do similar, and I'm always amazed when people don't smile back...or in some instances look at you (me) as if I've just escaped from the loony bin
    ! lol

    1. Lee; I've met people like that too, I sometimes wonder what they are thinking when they look at me oddly just because I've smiled. Sometimes one will even ask me what the heck I'm smiling about.

  9. Violent Veg, 50 shades of corn.

  10. Ohhh Suzy Toronto! She's so good at making sweet little statements that connect people. I still have a Mother/Daughter book she wrote that my mother bought at a restaurant and doodled a note inside. Smiles! :)

    1. Happy Elf Christine; I didn't know she'd written a book. Now I'm going to have to find it, or them if there are more.

  11. Very good advice!!

  12. I love the "better to be the smiler" thought. I, too smile a lot and sometimes people seem confused by it or choose to ignore it.


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