Breaking News

from Channel Seven News: Australia now has 33 Billionaires. Thirty-three!
Sadly I am not one of them.

also from Channel Seven News: we had a fantastic lightning show in our skies last night.
I had no idea, my doors and windows were closed against the heat. If I'd known I would have stepped outside for a look-see. 

from Today Tonight, a current affairs show right after the news, possibly more news that might help find the Beaumont children, Jayne, age 9, Arna, age 7, and Grant, age 4 missing since 1966.
Probes in the area of a possible grave have exposed what appears to be a soil disturbance below ground in a spot where someone was hired years ago, to dig what he thought at the time was a very large grave.
The weekend papers will be full of this story. I hope. And I hope with all my heart this mystery may finally be solved

from my table right here: eating sticky, messy, hot and delicious finger food, devilled chicken wings, is not a good idea when reading blogs and leaving comments.

How has your day been?


  1. Yes, you have made my screen sticky. The tv story about the Beaumont children was very interesting. Maybe...........

  2. Andrew; a very hopeful maybe. Sorry about your screen.

  3. I am the same age as Jane and we lived at a beachside suburb back then (we were at Semaphore). Their disappearance was a huge thing and scared everyone. My mum never let us out of her sight for ages afterwards. Then Joanne Ratcliffe and Kirste Gordon were snatched from Adelaide Oval a few years later and we never felt safe after that.

    I really feel for Jim and Nancy Beaumont. They are still alive, aged in their late early 90s. For the rest of us, this case is an interesting albeit shocking mystery, the subject of much armchair speculation. For Jim and Nancy, it has been 52 years of hell.

    1. Marie; welcome to Drifting. I'm a little older and lived in Port Pirie when the Beaumonts vanished. I've never forgotten and read every word every time something appears in the papers, hoping some trace has been found. This current development is a continuation of information that came to light last year and I really hope they find something. The parents need this more than anyone else.

  4. The television channel ID shows so many stories of missing persons who have become cold cases. Most will never be found. It is very sad.

    1. Granny Annie; it is very sad, probably the saddest thing I can think of, to live the rest of your life wondering what happened to family members that disappeared. The not knowing must be tearing them apart inside, the parents that is.

  5. Replies
    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; washed and dried, cleaned the keyboard too :)
      I love storms and wish I hadn't missed the lightning show, but it was just too hot for me to be outside.

  6. I looked up the Beaumont children, as I knew nothing. How tragic. I hope there is some resolution from the current search.

    1. Joanne; it is a tragic thing, for years the newspapers were filled with theories and sightings that led nowhere. Then other news took over and this became an occasional mention until a new theory or sighting and it would all get called up again. Last year completely new information came from a source and that has been followed up to the point we are now at. I hope with all my heart the follow-up continues and they find something definite.

  7. River it is a shame for children to be snatched in the first place but for them to disappear without a trace for fifty years is horrible, I pray that some answers are revealed in the coming weeks and that they are found to be brought home and given a proper burial.

    Our weekend was really good, the weather cooled down some but not freezing yet. You will be happy to know that Cindy is doing her dad's laundry and I actually saw her loading the clothes loosely around the agitator. Lol

    1. Jimmy; I hope the children are found this time too. I'd like our weather to cool down, but we're in for another 'steamer' this weekend, back up to 42C which is about 108F. Nice to know Cindy is being careful with the machine :)

  8. We never give up hope when children are involved. Pray for the family's sake that some closure will happen. I can't imagine the pain.

    1. Arkansas Patti; we never give up hope here either, missing children are always in our minds, sometimes pushed to the back while other things happen, but never truly forgotten.

  9. I woke up to a loud crash of thunder, and then the rain came in torrents for a while. Scared poor Jill, the lightning must have hit close.

    1. Sharon Qualls; I feel sorry for animals when thunder crashes so close, there's nothing you can do but reassure them while they tremble or hide. Some do get used to it and go right back to sleep, but I believe that's not common. Give her an extra pat from me.

  10. I enjoy those lightening shows, except when they get too close, then the scare the c*** outa me.

    1. joeh; even close lightning doesn't scare me, I remember walking home in a storm one evening and a lightning bolt hit the middle of the road right where I was walking on the footpath beside it. About four metres from me, which is close enough.

  11. My day? I've had a bug since Sunday morning (your Monday) and now it's Monday (your Tuesday) and I'm not much better.

    1. only slightly confused; I'm sorry to hear that, I've read there's something going around up there. I hope you shake it off really quickly.

  12. I hope that this search does have results. And my heart aches for their family. So many years...

    1. Elephant's Child; me too, after all these years the relief at finally knowing will be enormous.

  13. Closure is such healing thing. Wondering all these years? I cannot imagine.

    Since we seldom have thunder and lightening, I would be amazing, excited.

    1. Susan Kane; the anxiety of not knowing has to be excrutiating. And the possibility the person who took them is long gone, probably dead, would hold no satisfaction either, since he can't be tried for the crime.

  14. Saw that spectacular lightening on the TV news last evening, it was absolutely magnificent.
    Those children, I remember that and gosh I do hope they find them.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; TV is where I saw the lightning too, I wish I'd known it was happening so I could step outside. There was no sound at all that I could hear over the TV.
      I hope the children are found this time.

  15. Now I want chicken wings! We had a downpour when I went to bed at 3:00 a.m. No lightning, though. I was actually awakened from slumber in my OPC (Old People Chair) by the silence. My DISH had lost signal, due to the downpour, and I had a blank screen telling me of the signal loss.

    Our rain should have been snow, but we had temperatures in the upper 60s yesterday. January thaw, I guess. Winter here will make a comeback. Sorry you're steaming in the heat wave.

  16. Val; I still have some chicken wings in the fridge, they're just as nice cold, come on down.
    Today's temperature isn't too bad, only 32C, a whole 10C cooler than last week. It will be 42C again by the weekend though. Bleh.
    Just between you and me, I'm glad to see you wrote "should have", far too many people write "should of".

  17. I'm a slow-coach. I've only now just caught up with this post. Sorry, River.

    I, too, hope the mystery surrounding the disappearance of the Beaumont children is, once and for all, solved.

    I have a strong feeling it will be this time. Fingers crossed.

    Those poor parents, both now in their 90s, have had an unimaginable burden to bear over the past 52 years....unimaginable.

    My day so far has been uneventful (steamy)...and I hope it remains that way...uneventful, that is. The steam can go!! :)

  18. Lee; the story hasn't made any headway, nothing at all on the news tonight, but that doesn't mean things aren't going on in the background. Some sort of heat probe or whatever they're using has showed underground disturbance that looks like it might be three graves, but getting permission to dig the site could be what's holding things up, or maybe there is progress that isn't being reported yet. It's a waiting game now, just like it has always been. I hope the children are found this time so the parents can get the peace they deserve.

    1. Yes....I've not heard anything further today, either. It is a painstaking job they're doing. And, no doubt, they don't want to miss a thing.

      After listening to that fellow who was one of the kids back then who were instructed to dig the hole by the guy who owned the property...who was a known paedophile (whose son even confirmed his father was such a monster...the son recalled seeing three little children playing in the backyard of his home, when he, himself was a kid - around the time the Beaumont children went missing), there appears to be many indicators pointing in the right direction.

      I do hope so...hope for a positive result...finally.

    2. Lee; there'll be more on the TV this coming Wednesday night and I'll be listening and watching with no other distractions.

  19. Sad about the missing kids.
    Funny about sticky fingers.


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