sweat, sweat, pant, pant, pant

Temperature here in Adelaide reached 44C today.
That's 111.2F for you Northern hemisphere people.

I didn't go outside at all after I brought in the paper at 5am. 

We have a cool change coming in now, it's a bit slow getting here but tomorrow should be much more comfortable at 28C (82.4F) then 24C on Tuesday (75.2F)
That's about the level I'm most comfortable with and I'd be happy with that all year round.

I've heard lots of people say they LOOOOVe the heat.
I think they're crazy, but I don't say that out loud. 
Personally, I don't enjoy feeling like I'm a cookie baking in an oven.


  1. River, you must be more weather agressive. When someone says they are looking forward to summer, say to them, what? 44 degrees? It is a proven fact, by someone, that the human brain works best under 25 degrees.

    1. Andrew; so we should all move to a cooler place and leave Australia to the goannas?

  2. Hi River,

    The hottest temperature I've experienced in 46 in Muscat, Oman.

    I don't envy you.

    In Manchester today it is a cool 13 degrees.




    1. Plasman; is that 13C or 13F? either is too cool for me. Around 20C does me nicely.

  3. that is way too hot... not quite so bad in Sydney but looking forward to a cooler change in the next day or so..

    1. Anna; welcome to drifting. Sydney will probably get some of this heat, but it gets humid there too I believe and that's worse as far as I'm concerned. I lived there in the 70s and don't really remember much except the extreme hayfever I had the whole time.

  4. I'm with you on this one, River. I hate the heat, too...and what you've been experiencing down there is horrendous.

    It's been raining on and off here tonight...and how I love it!

    I'm glad to hear a cooler change is on its way to you. Take care.

    1. Lee; according to a newspaper article, this kind of temperature will be the norm by the end of the century. We had some rain overnight so I opened the back door for the cool only to find the built up heat in the porch all came inside, so I shut that and turned the fans back on instead. It's much cooler here today and will be for the next two days as well.

  5. That kind of heat is sick making. I'm happy anywhere from 50F to 78F before and after that I'd rather hibernate.

    1. only slightly confused; it does make me a little queasy from drinking so much water. I'm happy with 75F as my upper limit. Past that I tend to lie down and sleep a lot.

  6. We just came out of the coldest winter chill since moving here 12 years ago. The good part was it doesn't last long until we're back to warm temps.

    1. Granny Annie; the best part about our heat is we're getting a reprieve with cooler temps every few days. I couldn't take your winters for sure.

  7. I like the heat in summer, but we don't often get above 90 and I don;t ever remember it more than 102 or 103. I would stay inside at 111 also.

    1. joeh; I remember much hotter days as a youngster living in the mid north of the state, but it didn't seem to bother me then, we spent most of the summer at the beach, brown as aboriginals and splashing about keeping cool. Now I hate anything above 20C or possibly 25C and stay inside as much as I can.

  8. I couldn't take that kind of heat. I think it has become so pervasive only over the last few years where you are, but even so, it's there and it's hot. I assume you have air conditioning or fans, and corresponding high electric bills. But, extreme heat and extreme cold are becoming more common here, too.

    1. Joanne; we've had this type of heat in past years, but not usually in the cities, now that we do we'll have to get used to it because "they" tell us it's here to stay and going to get worse. I do have an airconditioner, but it only cools the room it is in, so I have a fan to blow some of the cool into the bedroom.

  9. I prefer for it to be warm, 75 works for me but I don't enjoy the triple digits that will be coming when summer reaches us.

    1. Jimmy; I know you get it hot there so, so I sympathise. All I can say is try to keep cool.

  10. a good day to stay home under the air conditioner.

    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; and that's what I did. It's much cooler here today and for the next couple of days too.

  11. Replies
    1. Grace; I start to really feel uncomfortable at 80 and more, I like around 75 or less.

  12. Ouch, that is brutal. Please stay inside and cool.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I did stay in for sure, but today is better at only 28C, so I'll be out doing all the things I didn't do on the weekend.

  13. I like to sit outside in the summer but this year it's a different story it's just too hot.

    1. Merle; I've never sat outside here, there isn't a fenced area away from neighbours eyes and I'd rather not be on public view so much. I think we feel the heat more as we get older until we get so old the fat goes from our bodies and then we need to sit in the sun like the elderly people I remember from years ago, out on their porches soaking it up to warm their old bones.

  14. Phew! That is just way, way too hot.
    Please do your best to stay as cool as you can.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member; I'm doing a lot of nothing, sitting in the same room as the airconditioner until it's time to go to bed, then I turn on two fans to blow cool air from the lounge room to the bedroom.

  15. Oh, man - that is far, far too hot in my opinion. I would be sick. I think the hottest we've ever had here is 35C and that was only for a day or two. I'd rather have cold winters and more reasonable summers because you can always put more clothes on but there's a limit to how much you can take off.

    1. jenny_o; there's definitely a limit to how much one can take off, even in the confines of one's own house. You never know who might come knocking on the door.

  16. That is way too hot for me and I like it rather warm if I don't have to do anything :)
    A cool change is coming our way too tomorrow 'Tuesday' for a couple of days then warming up.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; our cool change is for three days under 30C which is just about enough time for the houses to cool down properly before it gets hot again.

  17. I could be happy with 82 ... but I would be so much happier at 75. :-)

    1. Sharon Qualls; 75 all year round with rainy nights for things to grow, that would be perfect.

  18. The temp in our lounge room is 21.5 C with the AIR CON on, must be middle forties outside, I shall not bother to check it out.Central Coast NSW Australia.

    1. Vest; my aircon is set to 20C but the thermometer says my lounge is 23C which is ok, but it might be time to clean the filters again.

  19. Our two Cats are lying upside down legs in the air under the fan in the kitchen, it's their own fault; they should not be dressed for winter.

    1. Vest; my Lola divides her time between the top of the cat tower and the concrete floor of the porch where she stretches full length.

  20. 3 1/2 years ago I moved back South and now really dread summer. We don’t get to 44C, but with summer humidity running 70-90%, it feels like it.

    1. sage; I dread summer, we don't get a lot of humidity, but I still get washed out from the heat, just have no energy left to do anything.

  21. Take care of yourself! I guess overheating is called HYPERthermia. You don't want that!

    1. Val; definitely don't want that. I shall be sure to keep hydrated and stay as cool as possible. I take a frozen hot water bottle to bed.

  22. Andrew & River. The best temperature for romantics I have been told is 18 C. But where do you get it?. it would be wishful thinking to go to a club with a thermometer on one,s sleave to check if it was the right time to chat up.

    1. Vest; romance is the last thing on my mind, enough is enough, I don't need that in my life.

  23. Hi human, River,

    Good grief and I'm panting thinking about such extreme temperatures. It's 111.2 degrees Fahrenheit to the folks in the USA. Most of the rest of Northern Hemisphere is in Celsius.

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny! 🐶

  24. Whooaaa... it's too bad you can't give us about 20% of your heat so everyone could be happy.

  25. I enjoy the heat. Quite a lot.
    But laughed at your cookie in an oven.
    Just call me, Cookie!


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