Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by wisewebwoman and can be found here
This week's words are:

a photo of an old house, and>>

1. school
2. highway
3. redhead
4. crow
5. yarn
6. spider
7. knife
8. beer

Here is my story:

"Come on kids!" called Ben. "Celebration time!" Hannah and Jason came thundering down the stairs, racing to see who would get to the sunroom first. On the table was a large chocolate caramel cheesecake waiting to be cut and served, tall glasses of cola for the kids and beers for Ben and myself. 
Jason made it into the room first and claimed the rocking chair while Hannah gave him a death glare. He knew that was her favourite seat. 
"Righto," said Ben. "We've been in the house a whole month, we're settled and happy, it's time to celebrate. Suze will you cut the cheesecake please?" He handed me my favourite large knife and took a swig of his beer. "Story time, who's going first?" 
"Me," said Hannah. "I wasn't sure I'd like the new school, but the kids in my class are really nice and I've already been asked to meet them at the cinema when the new movie comes out next month. We've got a redheaded teacher who does her hair in weird different ways every day, she teaches art but we're doing crafty things right now. I have to bring a ball of yarn to school, Mum, we're knitting squares to be sewn together to make blankets for the nursing home."
"That sounds like a wonderful thing to do, I'm sure I have some yarn left over somewhere in the back room where all the odd bits still are."
"My turn," said Jason. "Remember I said we were going on that excursion and I didn't have the form because we hadn't moved here yet? Well, I got to go anyway, thanks for phoning the school Dad, we went out on the Burbridge Highway, all the kids call it Buttercup Highway, because both sides are lined with buttercups for almost five miles, and the dairy is way out near the end where the buttercups finish. We got to see the cows being milked,  and watch the separator machine where the cream is extracted from the milk, then the cream is sent to the butter factory and the milk goes somewhere else." 
"Interesting," said Ben. "Which one is the Burbridge Highway?" 
"The one where you turn left at the Town Hall and go across the river, it becomes the Highway after the town limit," I said. "I drove out that way with Mrs Walsh from next door, she was showing me around a bit. She also showed me something you kids might like to see, a big old house that looks a bit like the creepy old place in those Addams Family movies that you like. It's open a couple of times a year for people to see through, they use it for Halloween parties too and as we drove past I snapped a photo with my phone."

"That's so cool!" said Jason. "I can just imagine it draped in spider webs and maybe some crows in those trees on the side there." "And candlelight and ghostly noises too," said Hannah. "Why are the windows boarded up?" 
"Well, Mrs Walsh said a couple of years ago, some older kids got in through the windows and made a mess of the interior, tossing around empty drinks cans and burger wrappers, so now they keep it boarded up and there's alarm systems in place."


  1. Ah, but do alarm systems pick up ghosts????

    1. only slightly confused; of course they don't, but this particular house isn't haunted. I think.

  2. This was a really good story. EVeryday life and excitement nicely mixed.

    1. Uglemor; thank you, I'm glad you liked it.

  3. That sounds like the very best kind of family, happily sharing their days/lives. I liked the death stare too - a stare that my brothers used often.

    1. Elephant's Child; I wish I'd known about death stares when I was younger.

  4. Funny you mention caramel chocolate cheesecake. I was thinking of pie my mom made...caramel and drizzle choc over it and it just melt in your mouth.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); this is almost the same, chocolate cheesecake with caramel sauce.

  5. A very nice slice of life story!

    1. messymimi; slice of life is pretty easy for me, troublesome times are harder.

  6. It's hard to move to a new area hard on kids mainly they all sound happy with their new home.

    1. merle; I know all about moving, we moved every 18 months or so when first hubby was in the Army. The kids went to schools in 3 different states.

  7. Nice story. That redhead teacher sounds a dag...woops, I expect you know what I mean..

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; I meant her to be "arty" in that 'off-with-the-fairies' way.

  8. That cheesecake sounds yummy! And that family sounds storybook happy. I wonder if any families actually get together like that to share what's happening in their lives. The closest we came to it is chatting around the dinner table.

    Great job with the words... as always. Have a super weekend.

    1. Susan; definitely storybook. I don't know any families that do that, I do know a few who discuss their days at the dinner table though. I think in my story this is just a gathering to celebrate moving in and settling in.

  9. What a delightfully well rounded family. Love how the kids took time to thank and show appreciation. We need more of them.

    1. Arkansas Patti; wouldn't the world be a much nicer place with more people like this?

  10. They MUST go to that house on Halloween! And hopefully Jason won't pull a prank on Hannah while they're inside...

    1. Val; they are definitely going to that house on Halloween!


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