Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.
Sadly, Delores has now retired from the blogosphere.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the prompts are supplied by Elephant's Child and can be found here.

This week's words/prompts are:

1. marble
2. month
3. ashamed
4. zealous
5. guide
6. sassy


1. scald
2. rake
3. simple
4. plain
5. grind
6. obsequious

Here is my story:

Sue reached over and roughly shook Nancy. “Wake up, wake up already! Don’t you realise what month it is?”

“Marble cake month?” mumbled Nancy. Sue’s jaw dropped open. “What are you talking about? Marble cake month?”

“Hmph” grumbled Nancy. ”You wake me from a perfectly good sleep and expect me to make sense?”

“Sorry,” said Sue. “I’ve been down in the cafeteria and everyone, absolutely everyone, is talking about January. Remember we had six months or so to get ourselves together? Get ready to do battle with Mr Chisum? He of the scalding tongue and hair that looks like he combs it with a rake?”

“Oh, yeah,” said Nancy as she stumbled towards the kitchenette in search of coffee. “I’ve heard he doesn’t like students who turn in plain, simple homework. He expects everyone in his class to be zealous in their search for knowledge, keeping noses to the grindstone, yet be obsequious at the same time. Anyone sassy enough to not follow his guide has demerit points for any little thing that doesn’t please him.”

“Right,” said Sue. “So you know the score.”

“And this is important right now because…?” said Nancy finally sipping a scalding hot beverage.

“It’s December already!” said Sue. “We have less than five weeks to grow steel spines and hard shells!”

“Sue, Sue, Sue,” said Nancy, biting into a muffin. “You worry too much. You’re the smartest girl in the whole school. If you can’t cope with Mr Chisum, I’ll be very surprised. Maybe even a little ashamed. All we really need is strategy.”


  1. Great story.
    I have known teachers like that - and unfortunately never developed either a strategy OR steel spines and a hard shell.

    1. Elephant's Child; I became the quiet one who never raised her hand and hoped to never be called on.

  2. Your imagination knows no limits, River! A great little tale...terrific use of the words. :)

  3. They seem pretty sassy! I'm sure they'll come up with a good strategy. Maybe throw in a compliment about his raked hair while they're at it.

    1. Val; I'm sure they'll work it out and get through the semester unscathed.

  4. Great use of the words, as always. That teacher sounds like the kind of fella who enjoys giving out demerits and making life miserable for his students, so those girls had better come up with a great strategy. (Like keeping their mouths shut and doing their work!)

    1. Susan; he's the sort who believes kids need to be toughened up if they're going to make it in the world after school.

  5. This story is very well written, but it is quite another world for me. I had trouble understanding it at foirst, maybe I was not quite awake like Nancy in your story.

    1. Uglemor; sorry. It was just conversation that happened in my head and I wrote it down.

  6. That's great. I especially liked the description of Mr Chisum and his hair!
    Around My Kitchen Table

    1. AMKT: I had a female teacher once whose hair looked like she raked it every morning.

  7. He sounds pretty familiar to me-unfortunately. Pretty sure those girls are up to the challenge. Great job with the words.

    1. Arkansas Patti; you had teachers like this? Yikes. My toughest teacher wasn't that bad. I think these girls will be fine. Maybe they'll find his weak spot and discover why he is so harsh.

  8. He expects everyone in his class to be zealous in their search for knowledge,..... I think all teachers should be like that.

    1. Haddock; zealous, yes, but not mean or petty about even the slightest of infractions, as this particular teacher is.

  9. Replies
    1. nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing; I do too, but I think my liver might have a problem with it. Cholesterol level is already too high because of my sweet tooth.

  10. It's a blessing to get finished with the classes of those teachers, that's about all i can say.

    1. messymimi; yes it is and staying as calm as possible helps.


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