Sunday Selections

Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 
A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 
Nothing rude or vulgar though.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

I didn't have any photos planned for today, then I saw this feel-good article in today's paper:

it's a little hard to see clearly, but those are Australian flags hanging from the table, and Australian goods on the table.

this is the story. Enlarging should enable you to read it easily.

also in today's paper, this made me laugh,

while this made me sad. How can they withhold funds that were donated expressly for the relief of those in desperate need? I personally donated to each of these (as well as to a couple of wildlife rescue organisations) and it makes me a little angry to think the people who need help won't be getting it. In the words of a famous young woman "HOW DARE YOU?"

so I made breakfast, step one,

step two,

step three,

banana smoothie!

in my favourite Captain Marvel cup with the shield for a lid.

now, a couple of books that I have just finished reading. 

book one front cover,

and the back cover blurb,

book two, front cover

and the back cover blurb.
I think EC will love these. 


  1. How dare they indeed.
    I will question my on-going support for those charities.
    And will bookmark the books for when my unread towers shrink.
    Thank you.

    1. Elephant's Child; as soon as I read the first book, I knew it was something you'd like and so I dove into the second quite happily and knew you'd like that one too. I'm wondering now if there will be a third story from the third sister's viewpoint.
      I'm questioning my support also. I don't have so much money that I can splash it around just to fill someone else's coffers.

  2. What crazy cool books!!
    I will see if Red Cross can receive complaints. This makes me angry.

    1. Susan Kane; I left a reply here yesterday and it vanished. Perhaps I forgot to click on 'publish'. anyway, I'm going to not donate cash to any of these organisations again. I'll purchase essentials and take them personally to a distribution centre.

  3. Heh, heh! The alarmed door! I like your special cup with the shield lid. That's a shame about the donations. I've heard complaints about the Red Cross, but generally people praise the Salvation Army as being the most helpful. From what I've read around here, anyway, mainly after major flooding.

    1. Val; the alarmed door put a smile on my face :) The cup with the shield is from a movie theatre, my daughter went to see Captain Marvel and got one for herself, then when her best friend got over her tummy bug and wanted to see the movie, daughter went again, with her and got me a cup. Those two always go to the movies together and have for about twenty years now. Their last outing was just last week when friend also took along her five weeks old baby. And the almost two year old. She takes them everywhere so they get used to everything, just like I remember doing with my four.
      I'm very disappointed about the cash donations, from now on I'll spend that money on essentials and take them to a distribution point instead. Things like toilet paper, shampoos and soaps etc, maybe a towel or two as well, since so many other people donate things like water and foods.

    2. An interesting collection, River. The charity saga...the donation distribution is very makes one feel very helpless....more so than one already does!!!!!

      Great minds think alike....a large banana smoothie is already on my breakfast menu for tomorrow...Monday. :)

    3. Lee; I'm all out of bananas now, I'll have to switch to strawberry smoothies. I hate feeling helpless in the face of disasters, so next time I'll purchase essentials and take them to be distributed instead.

  4. OH! I certainly saw my enemy at one glance!
    See here, if you like!

    I do not give clothes to the Red Cross anymore.
    They sell the items and people in poor countries have nothing.
    It hurts, but it goes to the bin if no real person wants it!

    Hmmm, bananas, much better a topic :-)

    Oh, books, I am so much behind!

    1. Iris Flavia; I rarely give clothes to Red Cross or any other charity shop, I go there and see the thousands of items already crammed onto hangers on the racks and know that no-one buys them because they are too expensive, when they used to be so much cheaper. I'm very much behind on my books reading too, I have about fifty unread books on my stack.

    2. Nice to see it´s not just me, with both! ;-)

  5. That alarmed door :D And shame on those charities. :((

    1. Charlotte; shame on those charities for sure. I won't be donating cash anymore.

  6. I have been helped by the Red Cross before and maybe with the string of catastrophes that have been hitting our poor planet, they need to keep some in reserve. Still that seems like a lot to keep handy. Possibly letters of protest would shake them up.
    Cracked up at the anxious door.

    1. Arkansas Patti; it's my personal opinion that people should be helped as much as possible, then any remaining $$$ can go in the kitty for the next wave, along with any future donations. There are so many now with absolutely nothing. Of course the same is true in other third world countries, but why when these charities have been collecting cash donations for decades?
      I love the door too.

  7. I learned of the wiley ways of big name disaster charities during hurricane relief here in this country. They aren't holding back against more disasters, but against paying CEO's and their airplanes.

    1. Joanne; in times of disaster I wouldn't want to be paying CEO's and for their airplanes either, but the little people, they're the ones I'd expect to get helped.

  8. They do need to keep some in reserve, but not that huge an amount. It is a disgrace.

    The fact is, i simply do not give to the Red Cross any more. When we had our last disaster here, some of their behavior was appalling, including throwing away donated food because it wasn't being provided by their paid providers, food that could have been sent elsewhere and eaten, turning away volunteers in favor of their paid staff, demanding that people coming in with Bibles to give spiritual comfort leave the premesis, and telling one church that had provided them with facilities that the church itself could not hold their own scheduled Bible studies while there was a Red Cross shelter present. Yes, really, and when the church insisted they were going to have their scheduled meetings, the Red Cross pulled their shelter out and left people stranded.

    Thank you for sharing the feel-good article and your photos.

    1. messymimi; exactly! keep a little, but first make sure those who need it are helped. I'm shocked at the Red Cross throwing away food just because it didn't come from the right people?? That makes me very unhappy.

  9. i was angry about the withholding of funds, it is not fair and should be stopped .

  10. That's shocking and maddening about those well-known charities withholding donations meant for a set purpose. I wonder if a person can specify somewhere on the donation website or on a personal cheque that the money is only for such-and-such. Very sad.

  11. Wow. Every penny of those donations should go where the people who donated intended AFTER all of those people are helped to satisfaction THEN put the extra donations aside... It really makes a person have 2nd thoughts about donating at all.


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