They're here!

Some time ago, I ordered a couple of hand made teatowels from Joanne, she shipped them on the 14th of January and they arrived today, January 30th. 

16 days. That's a pretty good delivery time.

Peacock Blue:

the photo doesn't do them justice, this is one of my favourite colours, almost too pretty to use, but of course I will use them.

a pretty business card was included

with Joanne hard at work on the back of it.


  1. They are truly beautiful things. I treasure mine and they seem to get better with every wash. I love the card too.

    1. Elephant's Child; I love mine too and showed them to my weaver neighbour who was impressed. V makes sturdier things from wool and alpaca fibres, like floor rugs and small mats for her cats to sit on.

  2. Replies
    1. Charlotte; this shade of blue is one of my favourites so I'm very happy with them.

  3. That´s real handiwork, beautiful!

  4. The tea towels look nice and how good is it to have something handmade. Given they are flown by plane which takes one day, 16 days is not good.

    1. Andrew; I've had things take far longer in the past, so I'm happy with the 16 days, that includes weekends and a public holiday so that's five days where the post offices were closed, which brings it back to 11 days.

  5. Having nice towels in the kitchen is a blessing, and those look like just the kind i would want.

  6. So glad you like them! The color was great to watch weaving.
    I agree with Andrew; the post takes too long. I include domestic in that.

  7. They are lovely! I think two weeks is good, too. It takes a minimum of three days for a letter posted in our town to reach another address in our town. (A few years ago they reduced the workforce in our town's post office; now our mail goes one hundred miles west, is sorted, then returned to us ...)


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