Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.
The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the prompts are supplied by Mark Koopmans and can be found here.
This week's words/prompts are: 
1. annihilate 
2. Zinfandel 
3. lozenge 
4. pacemaker 
5. spokes 
6. invoice 

1. business 
2. panniers 
3. wooden 
4. thunderstruck 
5. podcast 
6. zesty

Let's head up stairs this week, way, way up high.

God's Observation Deck

Peter strode through the celestial themed doors and casually asked "How's business Boss?" Turning to greet his old friend, God appeared a little thunderstruck at Peter's appearance. "You look like one of those Hippie Flower Children from the sixties, where did you get that zany outfit which somehow suits you quite well?" "I was over in the flower garden clouds where some of the old hippies congregate, the newest one is an old man and had wanted to be buried in the clothes he wore back then and when he arrived he decided to swap them for the white robe and wings. I asked if I could have these things and he handed them over," said Peter.  "I'd forgotten he was arriving this week, " said God, "he's the failed pacemaker isn't he? had a good long life too."

They made their way to the polished gold balustrade surrounding the wide deck and looked down upon the Earth. "Business is good?" asked Peter. "Things seem to be going well," said God, "but I'm wondering about all those people with little things in their ears, they used to be listening to music, but now they're listening to something called 'podcasts', getting their news that way. Whatever happened to sitting down with a newspaper and a cup of coffee? Or the family gathering around the television?"
"Things change Boss," said Peter, "and not always for the better and it wouldn't do any good to annihilate the lot and start over, we'd just have to watch it all again and if we do it wrong, Lucy might get a stronger hold." God shuddered at the thought of Lucifer being the one in charge. 

"Change of subject," said Peter. "Remember centuries ago, when people started making wine from grapes and it was raw and red and robust, carried from place to place in panniers strapped to donkeys?" "I remember," said God, "where are you leading with this?" "Mary has a new shipment of wine, brought up by that vintner who died last week, his family put a wooden crate of wine in his casket and it survived the trip quite well." God smiled and rubbed his hands together with glee. "It's been a while since we had any wine up here that wasn't created by the angels in  the grapes section. Let's go and see Mary, shall we?"

Peter popped a lozenge in his mouth, explaining that he'd discovered them in a pocket of his new clothes and they were quite nice in spite of being so old. "Lemon flavoured," he said. They walked along the wide passage towards the kitchen where Mary always unpacked anything new. "Mary!" God exclaimed, with a huge grin "What's new?" 

Mary frowned at Peter for letting the cat out of the bag. "Wine," she said to God. "A lovely red, zesty and robust, a Zinfandel." "How many bottles?" asked God. "Six," said Mary, "that should last us a while. I'm thinking we could open one tonight to have with our roast beef." 
"Excellent," said God. "I'll just pop over and thank the vintner for bringing it. Shall I invite him to the table?" 'Yes, why not?" said Mary. "As long as he doesn't bring along an invoice for the wine."
Peter said, "I'll just go and  tell the cherubs to set an extra place."


  1. I honestly laughed out loud while reading this! I was happily enjoying that God is cool with being called Boss and then when Peter said "Lucy might get a stronger hold," that cracked me up!!

    Thanks for a wonderful story, River. That was fun:)

    1. Mark Koopmans; thank you, I'm glad you laughed. I've done several 'god's Observation Deck" stories in the past, I like making God appear 'human'.

  2. Hehe, I realy liked this. Wonderfully written and with a bubbling sense of humour.

    1. Charlotte; welcome to drifting and thank you. I do like to think of God and his angels as having fun.

  3. Well done!

    Actually there is a lot of wine in Heaven, when they run out, they just give a pitcher of water to Jesus.

    1. joeh; I'd forgotten that, but then I like the idea of Angels and Cherubs all having designated job/fun areas too.

  4. I'm so glad you took this direction with your story. You've done something similarly "heavenly" before, and both times... you did it quite well! Very enjoyable!

    Happy New year!

    1. Susan; I'm so glad you liked it. This is my 7th "God's Observation Deck" story.

  5. Echoing everyone else. This is a heap of fun. I do feel a bit sorry for poor Lucy not being able to share the wine and dinner though.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you, I'm sure Lucy has his own "firewater and scorched beef' dinners.

  6. Loved this. Makes me think Heaven actually might be fun after all. Could be.

    1. Arkansas Patti; of course Heaven is fun, there's no calories.

  7. So they're hitting the grog up there!!! No wonder we're not getting any rain, they're all too sozzled to remember to put the clouds out, and release the plugs!!!!

    Well done, River....a lot of fun! :)

    1. Lee; we have rain here today, perhaps the angels have been rinsing out all the wine glasses and bottles :)

  8. I'd venture to say that the wine was heavenly...

    1. Val; of course it was heavenly, as was the "Angel" food cake they had for dessert :)

  9. Lucy :-)
    You made me laugh about that, clever.
    What a great story! What wonderful ideas.
    Would you mind if I translate it for my Brother? He firmly believes our parents are "up there" and if they have so much fun, that would be nice.
    Just to imagine what they would take along, what dresses they would choose - it makes this sad chapter of life much easier...
    Thank you, I still smile (with tears in my eyes).

    1. Iris Flavia; thank you, I'm glad you liked it. Yes, please translate for your brother, I don't mind at all.

  10. Yes, congregate sound ok to does matter where

    1. peppylady (Dora); Heaven is great for congregating, everyone has so much free time.

  11. I was smiling thru this whole post. I absolutely loved it and wish it was longer! What a great story!

    1. Magical Mystical Mimi; I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm not sure it would work as well if I made it longer.

  12. I don't know what made me think you were not blogging anymore. You were one of the first bloggers I 'ran into' when I started last Sept. I was sure I was following you but you never appeared in my Read List. Who knows what I did to you. lol
    I feel terrible terrible because you have been so kind with your comments. So I am going to try to refollow you. :)
    I love the God Observation do many. It is funny and creative. And no end to the ideas. God is ever lasting and will provideth.

  13. I so enjoy your "God" posts, River - your sense of humour shines through :)


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