here goes...trying the new blogger

I wasn't going to try this, thought I'd stick with the old style that is so easy and comfortable, but then I couldn't load a picture, so thought I might as well learn this new fandangled thing. If it allows me to post pictures, all well and good. If not, then that's the end of Sunday Selections for me.

Huh! I get a message that says "no photos were found in your account. Please add photos and try reloading." What? 
If anyone can tell me how to load photos to my account, from the zillions I already have stored on my computer, that would be helpful. 

Up above the typing here there is an icon with tiny mountains in it, that means pictures, I know, but what is this "account" thing? 
And where is the option to stick with the old style? Although that seems pointless if I can't add photos. 


  1. On the left hand side under the reading list there is the option to revert to the Legacy Blogger. I can add photos in the new version, but I can't change their size. And have troubles finding a lot of things...
    I will wait until it is forced on me.

    1. Elephant's Child; I found the option and reverted back, but without being able to load photos, Sunday Selections is a no-go for me now. I can't load in either old or new versions.

    2. I am really, really sorry to hear that. And dread doing my own (photo heavy) Sunday Selections in the future.

  2. Ugh! I wonder why they change the format anyways?! Especially when not working properly.
    That´s what testing is for! ;-) Test for function and usability first!
    I do not even dare to try it that way and dread the day they´ll switch.

    But, well, yes, it´s for free, so "we" are the testers.... I should switch...

    1. Iris Flavia; they've changed it so the people who prefer to blog via their phones are now more compatible or some such nonsense. Well, it's nonsense to me, but probably okay for all the younger people who find it easier to adapt.

  3. Hmmm. guess I´ll start another, new blog for testing, boy, you made me feel bad, LOL.

  4. I am SO going to stick with the old style. I tested the new and was very disappointed. The new one requires a zillion clicks more, and more scrolling, plus it's filled up with icons and bling, no new functionality, just a lot of empty space in between things. I'm so happy there's an option to go back to the old one. I like the old, practical, compact Blogger.
    As to your photo-problems, It sounds like you need to update something, maybe your browser. I have no problems now, but I have had.

    1. Charlotte; I'm tired up changing browsers, I really am, so I'm sticking with what I've got. It seems to want me to switch to Google Chrome, which I have tried in the past and didn't like. I'm on Microsoft Edge now and it works fine for everything else. I've switched back to the legacy version of blogger for now, but apparently it will be obsolete and unavailable soon, so I will be stuck with the new version and all its bling.

  5. I can upload a photo, just tried it, a dummy post I did.
    I changed over to the new blogger.

    So here is what I did: after you have logged into blogger,
    On you blog page go to upper right hand side and you will see
    'newpost' click on that
    You will see an orange '+' on the left hand lower side of the screen, click on that
    A new window will open up
    At the mid top you will see a 'video' symbol, the one you click on for 'image' is directly on the left of that.
    Click on icon, choose, 'upload from computer'
    It should work and I hope I was of some help....Margaret D

    1. Margaret D; you must be in a different browser, my new blogger page is different. There is no "new post" to click on, the orange + circle is on my lower right. I'll check again for the image symbol, I saw the video one and the one with what looks like tiny mountains, which is a photo symbol, so that's the one I tried. I didn't see the usual 'image' symbol. I'm working in Microsoft Edge, which I switched to a few years ago when Firefox would no longer allow me to play you tube clips on my blog.

    2. Yes using a different browser :)

  6. Replies
    1. Diane; nice to see you here. I hate change too, always have.

  7. It's not that the new format is so bad, but the old one was just fine and I don't see anything better on the new. I'm staying with the old format until I can't.

    1. joeh; I don't see anything better on the new, I do see some worse things, like being unable to work out easily how to post photos. I guess my posts will be text only from now on. I don't blog much anymore anyway, so it's not a real big problem, but it does leave me out of the Sunday Selections.

  8. I am frankly terrified of switching. I will await the debugging and also see how the rest of my blogger gang are managing this transition.


    1. WWW; I waitd for the debugging when everyone was having trouble with Windows 10, then my daughter switched and after she worked it out she talked me through it, so I'm okay with it now. But she isn't a blogger, so I won't get any help from her with the new blogger setup.

  9. If I remember correctly touch html and then it works better in getting the photos on there. It will look like the older style. I just saw your comment on mean queen post. I had to figure out how to do it last night and get a video added that I took last week. Hope this helps you out a bit. Have a good weekend!

    1. Grandmabeckyl; welcome to drifting and thank you. I'm not sure about html, but I'll give it a try sometime this coming week.

  10. Good luck. I tried the new but not for long and went back to the old one. Like Joeh said, it wasn't broke.

    1. Arkansas Patti; the old one IS broke, for me anyway, it won't allow me to load any photos :(
      I'm going to have to sit here tearing my hair out working out the new blogger.

  11. I made an honest-to-goodness effort to use the new blogger site. Hated it. Learning curves are fine for something else, but not for my blogs.

    1. Susan Kane; spot on! Learning curves are fine for something you really want to learn, but the new blogger isn't something I want to change to. The old is so easy, until last Thursday when I suddenly couldn't load photos. thank goodness I had this week's Sunday Selections already scheduled.

  12. The new format will not allow me to add pictures, the old one will, so i am sticking with the old one.


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