Sunday Selections

Elephant's Child expressed an interest in seeing my flowering Jade plants, they clearly think it is summer, so out I went with my camera

here is the full length of the garden bed

a little closer

and here are the pretty pink and white stars

the plum trees are losing their leaves now, the ground below is a lovely dark red carpet

I replanted my three gollum plants together in one pot

here you can see how the edges of each leaf has been chewed by snails or whatever else is out there

my green aeoniums are doing well, I have three pots of these now

the cuttings I took from the mesembryanthemum are doing well (aka livingstone daisy)

but the parent plant, given to me by my brother as he left the state, is looking straggly still, it was infested with mealy bugs and very dried out in its tiny pot. 

this curly leaved form of jade is looking a lot less bushy after spending the hot summer down in the garden bed to be shaded by the trees after I noticed it was getting quite sunburned

here you can see stumpy ends where people have helped themselves to branches for cuttings, at least they didn't take the whole plant.

this is a philodendron Xanadu, the parent of the smaller off-shoot I brought with me when I moved here, this smaller one, about half the size of this big one, is what was stolen right out of its pot 😢 
In my previous home I had six pots of this, along with a few very large monsteras, a half dozen raphis palms and a dwarf umbrella tree, all in the carport, because I don't have a car.

This baby toucan and the little green ceramic pot along with its twin from the other birdbath garden were also taken. (and my frogs) I planned on filling those tiny pots with dwarf French marigolds this coming spring.
I'll plant the entire bag of seeds in a large half barrel pot instead.


  1. Gosh, here in Minnesota, where we have winter for half the year, I've only ever seen jade plants as little houseplants in pots. I didn't even know they bloom, though of course most plants do (or somehow reproduce...).

    1. Fresca; welcome to drifting. Australia is a hot, dry country, so most succulents like the Jades do well here. There are many varieties within the Crassula (jade) family, the flowering ones I have here can grow as tall or even taller and wider than myself. I'm five feet tall and I have seen some a bit taller than me.

  2. We found and bought a jade plant from a neighbor. It is a "wow" plant to me! Your plants are lovely!

    1. Susan Kane; keep it on the dry side in a sunny spot and it will eventually flower for you.

  3. Loving your plants. Many of them grow here, but jade has defeated me so far.
    I am very glad that your were able to post these photos (old or new blogger interface?).
    I still feel angry and invaded by the people who felt free to help themselves to your treasures. As you no doubt do too.

    1. Elephant's Child; I think your city is too cold for the jades. Maybe you have a sunny spot near a wall that retains heat?
      These photos were scheduled last Monday, that's why they're here today. If I can't work out the new blogger ( I keep accidentally typing 'blooger'), Sunday Selections will be off the menu here, although I will still enjoy seeing your photos.
      I do still feel invaded, and I also think my suspicions as to who, were correct, since I found a small piece of the philodendron Xanadu quite by accident in the green waste bin just a couple of days ago. Half dead, the leaves have a greasy coating with a fine soot, indicating it has bee kept inside a flat where a lot of bong use has been happening and I know exactly which flat. So I rescued the small piece and replanted it. After it has settled for about a week, I will wipe off the leaves and hope for the best. It is "hiding" in plain sight amongst the fake plants on my porch.

  4. Boy! The blooming jade plants are blooming blooming!

    I shan't comment on the behaviour of some people! I've been commenting frequently and harshly to myself of is best I continue keeping my thoughts on human behaviour to myself....if you understand my meaning!

    I hope the week ahead treats you kindly, River...and all those with it do so, too. Take care...cuddles to Lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; the jades are gorgeous aren't they? I think they are flowering out f season because I haven't watered much so they got a bit stressed and that's when plants will flower out of the usual time. I'd been expecting rain and also got a bit depressed after the thefts, so hadn't bothered much at all with any gardening. The week has taken a turn for the better though, read my comment to EC above...

  5. I hope you conquered the pictures and did this in new blogger. Once I got over it, it's just old blogger with big bubble kiddie graphics.
    Love your jade flowering pictures. The one time ours flowered inside, that's exactly what the flowers looked like.

    1. Joanne; no, this was done and scheduled last Monday, I've yet to take a second swipe at learning the new blogger. I'm pleased to hear your jade flowered :)

  6. When I saw your photos I wondered if you'd used the old or the new. Whichever way they show up well.
    Putting several cuttings in the same pot will give a good massed planting effect - which I suppose is what it is. Perhaps next year when they've grown and settled in you could split them into seperate pots.

    1. Cathy; this was done with the old blogger, but last Monday and scheduled for today, On Thursday I lost the ability to post photos on here, until I work out the new blogger, anything I post will be text only. I do plan on putting the cuttings in separate pots once they've started flowering, probably in hanging baskets.

  7. The jade is impressive, and it shouldn't be flowering now, you say. Much of interest in your plants.

    1. Andrew; the jade usually flowers in summer, I think this is a stress flowering after I didn't water the garden hardly at all during summer, then didn't again after the thefts happened. Then I waited for autumn rain, which also didn't happen and stressed plants will often flower out of turn.

  8. I like your gollum plants. They remind me of a jade. Our jade plant is the only thing we've kept alive for years and years. It sits in a pot on the end of the kitchen table, getting morning sun through the shades, and is mostly ignored except for rare waterings.

    1. Val; the Gollum does belong to the Crassula family which includes all the jades. Has your jade ever flowered? They like hot and dry conditions so your infrequent watering is good, but it might like some afternoon sun now and again too.

  9. Well that Jade is amazing, looks gorgeous and all your plants do look healthy.

    I will go to my browser 'edge for Windows 10' and see if I can up load photos etc. the let you know.

    1. Had a go with my Microsoft Edge and it's the same as my other browser...hope you can work it all out.

    2. Margaret D; good to know that it does work. Now I just have to figure it out. I'm not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

  10. I like your lovely garden plants, you must have a Green Thumb!

    1. Rosie; welcome to drifting. My thumb is more like the kiss of death. What I do is plant a bunch of stuff and what dies gets tossed out, then what survives I plant more of.

  11. Beautiful, but... people come and steal your plants?!

    So, uploading pics works in the new version or did you go back to the "old" blogger?

    1. Iris Flavia; around here people do steal, although not all the time. A few things went missing soon after I moved in, then all was alright until just recently, and several other people had things taken on the same night.
      This was posted in the old blogger and scheduled last week to appear on Sunday.

    2. Sad, both! Especially the first.

  12. See you figured out how to load the pictures. Those Jade plants are just beautiful and new to me. You have quite a garden. I am stunned that someone would just take cuttings like that. Haven't they heard of asking?

    1. Arkansas Patti; most people do ask, but those that creep around in the dark of night don't, they just help themselves.
      I didn't figure out the pictures in new blogger yet, this one was typed and scheduled last week.

  13. Beautiful jade, so large. So sorry about the thefts, it happened to me too a long time ago, right off my porch at night. Everything stripped including some antique bamboo plant holders. Such an invasion. I never planted on the porch again.
    I am so nervous of New Blogger.


    1. WWW; the jades have all been grown from pieces I took from one plant that I brought with me when I moved here. The thefts are despicable, but most items were from the cheap store and didn't cost more than $5, easily replaced, although I won't be doing that.

  14. Beautiful, you have a wonderful green thumb. A pox on those who steal from you.

    1. messymimi; after speaking with other neighbours, it seems very much as if people or a single person took a stroll around and decided what he/she wanted, then came back at night and got away with several things from several gardens.

  15. Wow! I can't stop looking at your jade plants! Although those look like jade bushes. Holy smokes. I've only ever seen them itty bitty. That's amazing. Great garden. Great plants and I am so jealous. Just beautiful.

  16. I must admit I have no clue when it comes to plant names but it's nice to know them even if I can't remember them later. I'm not a gardener but I like seeing what other people grow.

    It's sad that your plants and things gets stolen. I wonder about this thief that is daring enough to go to your place and take your stuff. Bad karma on that person.

    I was wondering about your Blogger photo problem with the new Blogger. That little mountain icon is for photos but you shouldn't go to Photos because that's not where your Blogger photos are. You should select Blogger if you want to go your blogger account with all your photos. Or 'Upload from computer' which is probably what you would like to do. I hope this helps.

    Have a lovely day.


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