Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.
If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the prompts are supplied by messymimi and can be found at

This week's words/prompts are:

1. brush
2. soar
3. distribute
4. allowance
5. debt
6. elegance

here is my story:

Paul sat on the corner of the bed and watched as Caitlin tried to brush her curly mop of fiery red hair. She looked at him through the mirror, noting the hang-dog look and sighed. "She's done it again, hasn't she Daddy?"
"For a nine year old, she has remarkable insight," thought Paul. Out loud, he said "Yes she has and I don't know exactly how to say this, but.."
"Never mind Daddy. I understand. You need to cut my allowance again. Mummy needs to soar like an eagle, she needs to have the clothes that 'proclaim her elegance', whatever that means. I heard her saying it last night."
"I'm so sorry Cait," said Paul. "I don't know where your Mum is getting these crazy ideas, but she has gone out and bought a lot of new fancy clothes, maxed out her credit card and here we are in debt again. Thank goodness she didn't use my card this time. And with your brothers both needing new things for college, we have to be careful how we distribute what's left."
"I can manage without an allowance, if that will help," said Caitlin. "I can take some of Mum's old clothes around to Mrs Allwood, like she suggested and she can resew some of them into new clothes for me for the school year."
"Are you sure you don't mind?" asked Paul. 
"It's fine," said Caitlin. "And I've learned something from this too."
"What's that?" said Paul. "Never live on credit," said Caitlin. "Get a good job and save plenty of money."
Paul got off the bed and hugged her. "I hope that works out for you," he said. "I'll go and speak to the boys now. Thank goodness they both got scholarships, so at least the tuition is paid for. I'll talk to them about part time work for weekends and holidays. I think they'll understand the need."

this was done on the new blogger format, so I hope it posts ok.


  1. Wow, Caitlin is awesome. Few adults would be so understanding.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I think Caitlin is an old soul, with the wisdom of many lives before this one.

  2. Oh, what to do next?

    When Caroline heard of her nomination for Queen of the Spring, her spirit soared. She would forever be in debt to some teachers' recommendations. Now, Caroline had to distribute some of her allowance to her friends for posters. Having saved up the rest of her allowance, Caroline was ready to be the Queen in her elegant dress. That night her mother brushed and styled her hair, humming happily and then stopping abruptly. "Oh, Caroline! You have lice!"

    Caroline wondered what she should do next.

    1. Susan Kane; Oh no! What a terrible time to discover lice! Nicely done :)

  3. It posted beautifully.
    And how I love this tale. Hooray for Caitlin and her father.

    1. Elephant's Child; hooray indeed, but I think her mother may have to spend more time in therapy.

  4. Sensible Caitlyn....she obviously inherited her good sense from her father. :)

    Nicely done, River...have a good weekend. :)

    1. Lee; yes, good sense inherited and I wish more people had inherited similar.

  5. Lovely story and good advice by Caitlin.
    You did well with the new blogger and are you ok with adding your photos etc?

    1. Margaret D; I haven't tried photos yet, I'll get around to it, but right now I have too many real life books to be reading before my son wants them back.

  6. Aw. Poor Caitlin. She needs time to be a kid. With an allowance!

    I'm afraid to try new Blogger. I have trouble learning new tricks. I guess I should just get it over with.

    1. Val; she'll get time to be a kid, she's only nine right now. I wasn't going to try new blogger until I had to, but I'd recommend learning it now while the old blogger is still a return option, that way when the old is no longer available at least you'll have some idea of what to do in new blogger.

  7. Yep, looks fine at my PC with the new blogger version. I still did not dare...

    Great story. My oldest Niece is like that also. She´ll turn 10 in August but she is so mature it´s scary at times. She´s got diabetis1 and I thought that´s why and I reckon some kids just forget to be a kid because they have to...

    1. Iris Flavia; give the new blogger at least a couple of tries, then when you have to change over it won't be so hard. I've known a few kids who had some very mature ideas at a young age, but under that they were still kids with childish fantasies and hopes. Just like I'm picturing Caitlin.

  8. Good for you to post with new Blogger. I can do, but it is so unwieldy and stupid.
    This story should be compulsive reading for all overspending parents!

    1. Charlotte; I did find the new blogger unwieldy, but I'll get used to it. I don't blog much anymore anyway.

  9. River, there are children like that, mine were. We were always bit on that edge because of the house needing repairs, they learned young to make do.

    Susan, excellent story, and what a surprise and a rotten time for it!


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