Sunday Selections #500

 500!! Wow.

Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

A random selection today:

A new addition to the garden is this Bee Hotel, not a hive, just a resting place for bees who will soon be buzzing in my bright yellow and orange flowers. I hope.

here is a closer look

and from the other side

I'm very very pleased to see my "black" pelargonium has survived, I thought it had died. Next autumn I will take cuttings and grow them in pots.

Lola is determined to be as close to me as she can, when I sit back down she will crawl into the tiny gap between the back of the chair and my huge bum which is beginning to look as if it belongs to a Kardashian.

this is the box the "ice cream " scented candle came in, the website is if you want to check it out. That is not a link, as I haven't tried it myself yet. But you go ahead..

on the back of my bedroom door is where I hang my scarves. I bought most of these several years ago when the big "pashmina" style was all the rage and I thought I could wear them everywhere. 

That didn't work out as I'm not really a fashion plate sort of person and one of these would look a bit silly with a grubby gardening or paint stained t-shirt and denim shorts. To keep them a little tidier I have clipped a few with my old hair clips.

I never use these clips because they just don't seem to stay in my hair, always sliding out of place

but they do come in handy for reducing the bulk of the scarves a bit so they don't all fall off the hooks every time I swing the door

Here is Meg, checking out the DVD selection

and rummaging through the USBs, wondering what we will watch tonight. 
The choice is already made, I will be continuing with the TV series Magnum PI

Finally, we have a small cabinet I repainted. I don't have a before photo, sorry, but it is cheap pale wood laminate over chipboard (MDF) and looked a bit sorry standing in this corner. The blue is much better, although it needs a touch up here and there along the edges where I couldn't quite get the roller into as the drawers couldn't be removed. I added castors for easy moving.


  1. Love your selections this week. Yay for Meg exploring her new home. And for Lola claiming 'her spot'.
    The pelargonium is special too. I don't have that colour and have been keeping my eye out for it.
    Your scarf display is practical and elegant.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you, I'm quite enjoying thinking of places Meg will see. I hope you do eventually find a cutting or plant of the black pelargonium. I've tried cuttings from it before but none survived. I'm hopeful for the next lot, but don't want to decimate the plant. It's growing through the middle of a purple one so looks bigger than it is.
      those scarves will need washing soon, they catch a lot of dust there.

  2. Wonderful selection. I think some bees are going to move in even if they were not supposed to.

    1. Charlotte; I don't mind if a few bees move in, I'm not allergic. But there is quite a large hive in the hollow of a nearby tree, so maybe they will just use my "hotel" as a resting place.

  3. Meg seems very happy and settled in her new home. I'm sure she will be a Magnum PI fan, too. I like Tom Selleck. He is not only a handsome bloke, but he does have a nice way about him.

    A lovely collection of scarves...I ended up giving all mine away to one of the local Op Shops a couple of years ago, along with a few other items when I got a de-cluttering bug! The bug didn't spread to far!

    I hope you have a good week, EC...cuddles to Lola. She's a lovely lady. :)

    1. Lee; Meg seems happy watching whatever I do, we've just watched today's episode of Salvage Hunters on 9RUSH (ch 96).I like Tom Selleck too, I really enjoyed the Jesse Stone movies.
      My scarves will most likely end up with the oldest grand daughter, who is into costume design.

  4. That looks like a harvest bee hotel. You are a nice landlady. Wow that is a lot of scarves. Meg is delightful as she checks out things. My Minnie is like Lola. Any space as long as it is next to or on me is fine.

    1. We gave my niece one of those bee things but I don't know if she has used it. I'd like to know if yours attracts bees.
      You have been busy with cabinet painting and adding wheels.
      Lola looks quite lovely.

    2. Arkansas Patti; It is just advertised here as a bee Hotel and there is a butterfly house also available. I have one of those too, but haven't hung it in the garden yet. Both are quite popular in Australia lately, I've seen several just in my own neighbourhood. Lola is happy to be near me until she is ready to have a proper nap, then she moves to the chair with the newspapers on it for a good three or four hour sleep.

      Andrew; I won't know about bees until my flowers bloom, I was late putting up the hotel, the blossoms were finished so the bees have moved on. The house comes supplied with instructions and a small packet of mixed bee friendly seeds which I will plant later in the week, I need to get the big half barrel pot from the shed for them.

  5. The hair clip weights are a really good idea.

  6. A nice selection of selections, very eclectic. Like you, i enjoy the idea of scarves much more than the wearing of them.

    Your small cabinet looks very cheerful in that blue.

    1. messymimi; I do have scarves that I wear, mostly ones I knitted myself, in winter. These one just look too pretty, too special. But I like looking at them hanging there.
      I really like that blue too, the colour is called French Riviera and is over a white undercoat. If painted on bare wood, it is darker and when painted on really old, badly stained wood (the insides of drawers) it is almost a deep teal.

  7. Those are pretty scarf and my one daughter in law, loves them. Her husband (My son) think she has to many.

    1. Dora; how many is too many? If she enjoys them what does it matter? Men have things they buy too many of also, like tools and tractors etc :)

  8. My mom loved Magnum PI. She had red hair like Meg! That's my first glimpse of a bee hotel. I hope you fill the vacancies on a regular basis. Your blue cabinet makes a cheerful addition, and the scarf display is like a work of art.

    1. Val; I'm enjoying my rerun of Magnum, I missed quite a few episodes when it was on TV. I hope the bees enjoy the hotel.
      The blue cabinet has come in very handy, half the clutter that was on the desk is now sorted and in drawers.

  9. The bees are about here all ready which is surprising but I guess it's what's in flower in the garden at this point in time.
    Love your reference to the Kardashian - they indeed have large posteriors not that I've watched their show, wouldn't do that but have seen photos.
    You scarves are lovely...
    Take care.

    1. Margaret D; the bees were here while the plum trees were in blossom, but they have moved on to other flowering gardens now. They will be back when my new seedlings begin to flower.

  10. Kardashian, OMG, please, no, never.
    Yes, Meg, good choice!!! Awwww, love Magnum! (Not the ice cream, of course), have it here, too.
    Very nice color on the cabinet, color so helps!1994 I bought a shelf, it looked so sorry, painted it green and still have it.

    1. Iris Flavia; I love Magnum, but also NOT the icecream, far too rich and sweet. Some things look okay unpainted, but in this room that cabinet needed colour.

  11. Okay, I seriously need to get a Meg or make one of my own. Meg is having too much fun!

    1. Magical Mystical Mimi; look around in thrift shops or ebay for a "Meg" of your own, they are 8 inch poseable Madeline dolls.

  12. Hi River,
    I like your selection of pictures. Especially Lola who looks very sweet. I have two tabby girls and they are lovely. Also a black and white boy who is lovely too-wouldn't want to leave him out!
    I hope Meg liked your selection!

  13. I'm a scarf person so love different arrangements of scarves. Yours is lovely in those gorgeous jewel tones.



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