I'm excited!

 Hi everyone, Meg here.

Mum won the bid for my sister! it was easy really, no one else put a bid in the box. 

She's coming to live with us and should arrive in the middle of next week. 

Mum is going to look around in thrift shops and see if there is a bed for us, if there isn't anything suitable, she is going to make sleeping bags for us. 

I have to go and check through all my clothes now, I want to decide what Gillian will wear on her first day. She doesn't even have shoes!



  1. Replies
    1. Iris Flavia; midnights feasts and secrets to be shared, movie nights and picnics in the garden.

  2. So sweet of you to share and know you will really enjoy your sister. Can't wait to see what you two get into.

    1. Arkansas Patti; we have to get to know each other first. She might be shy.

  3. I could not be more excited than I am to meet Gilian. She is definitely coming to a wonderful home.

  4. Marden, Maple and Nat and excited to meet Gillian, the more the merrier! They all look the same at first glance but each has a distinct personality- they are very different.

    1. Linda Sue; Meg says thank you to all of you.

  5. Replies
    1. Elephant's Child; I'm going to be very busy I think, there are clothes to be made and outings to plan.

  6. Exciting! I look forward to seeing Gillian with Meg!

  7. I hope those girls are paying board! :)

    1. Lee; no they are not, but Meg does help. Gillian will too, Meg will show her how.

  8. Little sisters are the best. Now remember- be nice, she’ll be shy and confused to begin with so will need lots of love

    1. Cathy; we hope she won't be too shy, but lots of love is already guaranteed.

  9. Wonderful. Siblings are the best, especially sisters.

    1. Joanne; and these two will almost look alike, so I will have to dress them differently. The hair is the only difference, with Meg still having the original black bow in her hair.

  10. Well, this sounds exciting! I can't wait to meet Gillian! How fun!

    1. Magical Mystical Mimi; I can't wait to meet her myself. Meg has already chosen clothes for her to wear, since she has none and is coming to us naked.

  11. I, too, can't wait to meet her. I wonder what kind of personality she will have! it may take a few days to tell. I'm sure she'll be on her best behavior at first, and maybe a bit shy.

    1. Val; she may be a bit shy, but once she meets Yoda and the monkeys, I think she'll be fine.

  12. Childhood is lovely. It's all downhill later, whether you're rich or poor.
    Friendship is deeper among girls, more meaningful.

    You've hit home with this.

  13. Oh!!! I am late catching up (unusually busy week---weird, after a year of very little)---
    but I AM OVER THE MOON now, I am so excited for Meg & GIllian to meet--and you too, of course!
    You make such a lovely, loving home for girlettes---and elephants too, I see on your latest post.
    It makes me happy to see such happiness. Thank you!

    1. Fresca; better late than never, as my mum used to say. This is a happy house :)


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