
Showing posts from February, 2025

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

  The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words. This month the words/prompts are supplied by Lissa and can be found here This week's words/prompts are:  1. premonition 2. onion 3. temperature 4. seventh 5. weirdo Next month's words will be supplied by me right here on this blog Here is my story: “There he is,” snickered Jerry, "walking around like he’s something special, a seventh son of a seventh son, he says,” to me that just means they all have far too many kids, so it’s no wonder he only has second hand clothes!” “Probably third or fourth hand clothes,” giggled Billy, holding h...

Sunday Selections #728

 Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections.  A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please.  Nothing rude or vulgar though. And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us. The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look. Wisewebwoman has also been joining us more often. Elephant's Child is taking a break for the month of February. Beginning again with my road trip to the mid north: we breezed through Red Hill without stopping, it's such a tiny place R slowed enough that I could take this photo, it's a statue but looks so real Next stop was Port Pirie, our destination where we met up with our older sister J, she's the one in the dress, I don't wear dresses.  I think it is very unfair that h...

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

  The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words. This month the words/prompts are supplied by Lissa and can be found here This week's words/prompts are:  1. scumbag 2. qualm 3. judidious 4. limitless 5. danger Here is my story: His appetite for danger was limitless and Jason would jump into any new adventure without a qualm.  It was only the judicious intervention of his father that stopped young Jason from following the scumbag who tried to lure him into unsavoury areas and practices involving drugs and theft.  Later, Jason would admit the white water rafting trip with his dad...

Just now on my TV news:

 Trump has called Vlodymir Zelenskyy a dictator who started that war with Russia and that he would rather deal with Russia/Putin. He says if Ukraine does not stop the war he won't have much country left.  I am stunned.

Sunday Selections #727

  Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections.  A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please.  Nothing rude or vulgar though. And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us. The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look. Wisewebwoman has also been joining us more often. Elephant's Child is taking a break for the month of February. Beginning with the final photos of the Chihuly exhibition, these were taken inside the "Conservatorium" which has ground level walks and also a "tree walk" accessed by steps to get a bird's eye view.  I'm sure you will all agree pretty spectacular in cheerful yellows fiery "flames", these are in the lily pond dreamy purples and multi coloure...

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

  The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words. This month the words/prompts are supplied by Lissa and can be found here This week's words/prompts are:  1. cruel 2. return 3. sneak 4. solitary 5. middle Also including Charlotte's colour of the month: glass blue elephant Here is my story: Grandma, I don’t want to hear anymore about the middle child always acting up because she’s “forgotten”, it’s old-fashioned thinking. Maybe things really were different in your day, with the eldest having privileges and the youngest being babied, but what about all the others? Surely the five “middle”...

Good idea? Or not? Both stories seem a good idea to me.

 From the newspaper: ( ) = my words "Rent Freeze "If the government had half a brain they'd put a freeze on rent increases for the next five years. Less than 1 percent of people are investors, about 30 percent are renters, so it's a no-brainer vote winner. (some of) The investors would sell, making a tidy profit, placing hundreds if not thousands of houses and units on the market. Let's see if there are nerves of steel in the government or as expected, just pussies." Dennis Agostini, St Morris next story:  " Big Picture Project " "North Queensland is flooding again, South Australia and parts of south eastern Australia are in drought again.  South Australia is not good at collecting rainwater and our population has probably doubled since a new reservoir was built. Where will the extra water come from in the next five, 10 or 50 years as our population continues to grow and climate change affects the reliable supply of water. Perhaps it's time...

A little addition to last Saturday's post on the Queensland floods

  this is a photo I took from the newspaper, showing more than 30 semitrailers, loaded with goods and foods, stranded near a small town, unable to proceed because of flooded roads, while people in towns and cities see their grocery stores with empty shelves. Floods impacting peoples' lives year after year after year.... From the paper: "Dozens of trucks delivering food and goods to flood-affected areas of North Queensland have become stranded in a rural town, as floodwaters cut off roads in all directions."

There's a meme going around

 called "Poetry Monday" Each Monday a word is given and those participating write a poem using that word.  I'm useless at writing poetry, so I don't participate, though some of my blog friends do, Charlotte and messymimi , for example.  Last week's word was "Funky"and while some great little poems were written, the word brought to mind two of my favourite songs, so here they are.  Funky Town by Psuedo Echo Play that Funky Music by Wild Cherry I hope they play and I hope you enjoy them. 

Sunday Selections # 726

 Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections.  A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please.  Nothing rude or vulgar though. And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us. The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look. Wisewebwoman has also been joining us more often. **Elephant's Child is taking a break for the month of February** Continuing our road trip, today sees us in Snowtown, a small place 100km north of Adelaide. The welcome sign has an original windmill and the new wind power generators which we saw in a recent post along the hilltops for several miles. a painted water tower the infamous "bodies in barrels" bank which is no longer a bank All Bank signage was removed a long time ago an...