Sunday Selections # 725

 Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us more often.

**Elephant's Child is taking a break for the month of February**

Beginning with this month's calendar page

"You are so brew-tiful"

When in the Botanic Gardens recently, I went in search of a bottle of water

only to find it now comes in cans, how about that? CANNED water.

Queasy people might want to avoid the next few photos:

this is me soon after arriving in my room, the steri-strips are quite firm and opening the eyes fully was difficult at first, but I could see my eyelashes! I haven't seen those in years!

By Friday morning the bruising was beginning to show, though the blood-stained tears had stopped.

Friday afternoon the bruising was heavier and by Saturday morning, the right eye had an almost colplete circle of purple, but the eyelids felt looser and I could open they eyes wider. 
Ignore the huge honker (nose), that's just a bad camera angle.

I came home with this "relaxing" gel mask, which I put in the fridge to get cold, then wear it for fifteen minutes at a time four times a day, this minimises swelling and bruising.

it has velcro straps to hold it closed and in place.

Of course while I was away, the redheads got into some mischief:

Jordan: "Riley have the witnesses been questioned?"

 "Yes boss, but nobody saw anything" 
"Same old story, they all saw nothing" 

Meg "getting a little uncomfortable down here"

Jordan "I think that went well, now let's discuss the next scene"

This is my latest batch of chips, somewhere in there is my teeny tiny homegrown 3cm potato.

recently when I read about Mary making pancakes for her grand daughter, I suddenly knew I wanted some too, so I took myself to the kitchen and made just enough batter for two cakes which I then drowned in butter and syrup. Don't they look delicious?

A jacaranda leaf blown off a tree landed on the nearby brush fence, it's about 20 inches long

a statue somewhere in Perth or maybe Fremantle, I don't remember where and I don't remember who.

and for Val:

ladybirds on one of the plants in the hospital garden where "no-one" works

Lastly, Happy Birthday today to S, mother of the twins.


  1. Replies
    1. The Happy Whisk; recovery is going very well, thank you.

  2. I'm glad you're healing well! I missed your post saying you were undergoing this procedure, so my first thought was, "WHAT HAPPENED?!"

    1. Steve Reed; a neighbour asked me what happened and I said "Bar fight, but you should see the other guy" and then I told her what really happened.

  3. Bruising is one step closer to complete healing. Now you've got me wanting pancakes, too!

    1. Kathy G; the bruising is beginning to recede already and the steri-strips came off this morning, with a little help from me. Make yourself some pancakes!

  4. Looking good and healing well. Happy birthday to S.

  5. Finally, as you can see, I am able to post a response, River. It has been very, very frustrating and annoying my not being able to do so. I fixed the problem...fingers crossed, the status quo remains.

    It appears you are doing all the right things to lessen your discomfort, bruising and soreness after what you've just gone through. I hope it all clears up for you very soon.

    By the way, I prefer your 2025 camera, to your 2024 one! It looks like its a fun one. :)

    Take very good care...I hope during the coming week you're in less discomfort. Stay cool, as cool as you are able during the horrendous heat. My cuddles to Lovey Lady Lola....perhaps you would follow her around to find the cool spots. I bet she's found them all. :)

    1. Lee; I expected soreness but there was none which I'm happy about. The 2025 Calendar is fun but I only bought it as a last resort when I couldn't find a sugar skulls one. I'm staying very cool and Lola is sleeping almost all day which is the best way to get through the heat in my opinion. She's lying on a sheepskin in the back porch, I don't think I'll be joining here there.

  6. My first thought was silver eye shadow. It sounds like you've been given good self care information, which isn't always the case. You'll soon enough be batting your eyelids at men on the street.

    1. Andrew; ha ha, eye shadow! I haven't even bought any since my wedding back in 1971. my eyes are very small so it just isn't worth applying any. There will be NO batting of eyelids!

  7. Those redheaded photos make my day, thank you :) They are cute, mischevious, stand out in a crowd and sexy.
    The only problem is the skin is usually white and usually suffers from skin burns and even skin cancers.

    1. hels; the redheads were making a movie apparently or perhaps rehearsing a play. I'm glad they are plastic and don't have to worry about things like sunburn. I've known a few redheads that aren't paper-white, but they still had to be careful not to get too much sun.

  8. You are so upbeat about the surgery it will be a wonderful success when you are pink again.

    1. Joanne; I am never pink, I have light olive skin which tans easily so I'm kind of brownish. Upbeat is my usual state of mind.

  9. Ooh! Ladybugs! As you know, they have special meaning for me. I am so relieved that your surgery went well and that you didn't have a lot of pain. That gel mask looks soothing. Your pancakes and your "chips" with your own tiny potato look tasty. Anheuser Busch, famous for Budweiser (before it sold out to become InBev), the St. Louis brewery, had canned water to give out during disasters for people in need.

    1. Val; I knew they had special meaning thta's why I put them here. I had NO pain at all, the gel mask is lovely and I may use it even when I no longer need to probably on really hot days. The chips were delicious and I may have pancakes again tomorrow. I have NEVER seen canned water before.

  10. Your eyes are looking as mine did when I had to have mine done for same reason as you. It is wonderful to look ahead (when better) and not to appear to have a verandah in your way. Clear view.
    Love ladybirds but haven't seen any for a long time.
    Hope you enjoyed your tomato R.

    1. Margaret D; I am LOVING not having a "verandah" blocking my view. Once this is all fully healed I go back for another round, cataracts, but one eye at a time. When eating the chips I couldn't tell my little homegrown one from all the others.

  11. Great motto for Febraury, or ... is it? Wouldn´t you rather want something cool to drink? The motto works for me, though, -3C (but sunny).
    Water is a can? Strange.
    Hopefully it looks worse than the pain is? Hope it heals real quick.
    Oh, the redheads ;-)
    Cute you really included and mentioned the mini-potato! I´ve never heard of butter and sysrup on a pancake. I think Ingo takes applesauce.
    The pic is of Percy Buttons' Aspiration in Hay Street, Perth :-)
    He was an entertainer, here you find more.
    Oh, ladybugs - we´ll have to wait for them still... - happy rest-Sunday to you!

    1. Iris; it's just a calendar and many people drink coffee in all seasons anyway.
      I have NO pain at all from the procedure and it is healing well, stitches come out tomorrow.
      Applesauce is nice on pancakes, but I like butter and maple syrup, also sometimes sugar and lemon juice.

    2. Sadly my coffee-days are over. Right now I have a hot Rexi, we have -3C.
      Yay for no pain!

  12. I applaud the brave way in which you approached this surgery. To tell you the truth, I had never heard of such a procedure before. It sounds as though everything went well and that soon you will be signing a modelling contract with some fancy cosmetics company. It won't be easy but keep doing as you have been told!

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; brave really is the only way to do it, otherwise it might get put off over and over. Modelling contract? 🤣🤣🤣 I always do as I'm told when it is something important.

  13. I am so happy it all went well for you River and you get to see properly again. Very brave. Love the story book posts on your tiny family.

    1. Wisewebwoman; I am happy I had it done and can see a wider range, but won't really see properly until I have the cataracts removed. That will be started as soon as the eyelids are fully healed. The redheads are fun aren't they?

  14. I'm praying you recover quickly. I bruise just the same way.

    So the little ones are making a movie! I hope they have fun.

    Chips and pancakes and art and fun, I enjoyed your selections.

    1. messymimi; thank you, I am recovering quickly, I always do. The bruises aren't pretty but they don't hurt and are beginning to fade already.

  15. I wonder if lady bugs live on every continent. Ok, maybe not Antarctic.

    1. Dora; I think ladybugs are on most continents, but I'd have to look them up to be sure which ones.

  16. I have never seen canned water either; how strange! Glad your recovery is going well. You have lovely eyelashes, by the way. YP's comment and your reply made me smile :D

    1. jenny_o; apparently canned water isn't unusual and it did taste good after walking around the gardens for a couple of hours. Thank you re the eyelashes. I'm getting used to seeing them again. I may even buy a tube of mascara.


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