Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Lissa and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. abandon 2. vanish 3. quaver 4. unstring 5. poor

Charlotte's colour of the month is Glass Elephant Blue, but I have not used it today.

Here is my story:

The gruesome sign on the bedroom door read “Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here” and I believed it to be true. I knew already that anything carried through that doorway was destined to vanish completely and never be seen again. Hairbrushes, plates, coffee mugs, all were somewhere in the mountains of accumulated “stuff” in Belinda’s room.

 I had no choice but to enter. She’d rushed through the front door cradling her violin case and sobbing hard. Her slammed door was another indication that parental help might be needed. I knocked gently, then said “I’m coming in, Bel,” and opened the door carefully.

Checking the floor for breakables I noticed an unusually clear path from the door to the bed where she sat with tear-streaked cheeks and her violin on her lap. With a quaver, she whispered, “Look what he did Mum. My poor violin. I made one too many mistakes and he just yanked so hard on the strings and said I should stop wasting his time.”

“Oh honey,” I said. “It looks like you will have to unstring it completely and get new strings. Barry down at the music store can help you with that. I’m sorry Mr Franklin was in such a bad mood, but this really is unforgiveable. Being a temperamental maestro doesn’t give him licence to be so rude.  Do you want to keep going with the lessons?” “I do,” Belinda said, “but not with Mr Franklin. Can we find someone else please?” “Of course we can,” I said, rubbing her shoulders. “I’ll ask around and let you know.”


  1. Poor girl, that!!! Hope Mr.Franklin pays for the "repair"! And a nice teacher is coming up, too. After all that´s one very important part of learning. I only had one real good teacher where learning was fun!
    Oh, the path from door to bed is like here from Ingo´s door to his PC...

    1. Iris; mr Franklin does not pay for the repair, but word gets around and he loses several of his students. I had four good teachers where learning was fun.

    2. What comes around goes around! Four good teachers sounds great.

  2. At first, I thought ther might be danger ahead but I guess a teenager's room is full of danger. So sad for Belinda. Moody teachers aren't fun to be around, I know that by experience. Good use of the prompts.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. lissa; that's true, teenagers bedrooms can be dangerous, all those smelly socks, old school books and all the cups and cutlery that goes missing from the kitchen. Belinds gets a new and better teacher soon and learns faster.

  3. She may never be a virtuoso, but she can enjoy playing if she gets the right teacher and I hope she does.

    1. messymimi; she does get a good teacher and plays in several small concerts eventually.

  4. Poor Belinda! Things like that can ruin your day.

    1. jabblog; it doesn't take much to ruin the day of a moody teenager, but Mr Franklin went too far.

  5. Thank goodness only the strings were broken! Along with a little bit of Belinda's heart, sadly.

    1. Val; thank goodness indeed, but Belinda does well with a new teacher.


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