stepping out of my comfort zone

Radio interview.

A well-known-around-Adelaide man, a regular customer of mine, is a writer for our Sunday paper. His articles are often funny, insightful, and sometimes thought provoking.
He also works at our local ABC station.

Peter Goers.

A couple of days ago, Peter invited me to do a casual chat type radio interview. He thought I'd make a good story. Interesting listening. I wasn't so sure.

Hummed and hahhed a bit, then decided to jump in and do it. What the heck! How bad could it be? I've learned how to talk to people, thanks to being a checkout chook; surely I wouldn't trip over my own tongue too much?

Well, today was the day. Wet and windy weather, just the way I like it, as I caught a bus into the city, then another out to the ABC building.

I was greeted by Peter and Amy, made to feel very comfortable, and in no time at all I was chatting away like I never thought I could. We spoke briefly about my growing up in Port Pirie, moving to Murray Bridge, then eventually to Adelaide. We spoke about jobs I'd had and how I came to be a checkout chook.

Peter is quite funny and we laughed a lot. He's very good at putting people at ease. Thanks Peter, I was nervous.

We also discussed my blog, which he has read. He was very encouraging about my writing, which I tend to think of as random ramblings.

Now, I haven't told my real life friends and family about my blog, but I did mention to one daughter that I'd be doing the radio interview. If she listens in when it's finally aired, the cat will be out of the bag.

So here's my little dilemma. Should I tell them? Or should I wait and see if they find out?


  1. Hello Mother.
    I have been reading through and I think it's written quite well. (But next time you give schntizel instructions tell people about double-crumbing. It makes it so much more awesome. I know you don't agree, which makes me sad.) I will listen to the interview when I can.

  2. Hi Kalamac, thanks. I used to want to write but never thought I was any good at it. Seems I was wrong.

  3. Hi River,

    Tell everybody. I tried to keep my blog secret until one day I let the cat out of the bag. I work in IT so a colleague of mine moved mountains to track it down - it took him 24 hours and then he let everybody know.

    I hated it - but now I am pleased. Why? Because people at work and friends come up to me and say things like "I read that blog post of yours about ranting - it was so funny".

    And to be told that is nice.




  4. Nah, go with plausible deniability.
    I don't have that problem, every person in my family is computer illiterate.

  5. Tell them. There are heaps of ways you can protect their privacy and yours. I've gone the other way, so that Love Chunks is now called that by some of his work colleagues but I figure that most of the embarassments, painful moments and ridiculous incidents are all owned by me and not him or my daughter.

    Your kids would be proud of you - writing your own blog, being interviewed on radio etc. You're venturing out, trying new things and saying 'Yeah, OK, I'll give it a crack." In other words, you're kicking arse and that's pretty friggin' excellent in my opinion, and I keep coming back to read more.

  6. Seems the cat is out of the bag lol.
    Good on you!

  7. Plasma; I kept it quiet until now, because I'm a bit afraid that people will come up and tell me my writings are silly.
    JahTeh; in my family, I'm the computer illiterate one.
    Kath; I'm going to tell my family, maybe a couple of people at work.
    Jayne; The cat is out of the bag alright. I told one person. she's told another. I think word is getting around.
    R.H. yep.

  8. Hey! I finally remembered to come find you and I'm so glad I did. What a nice place you have here
    *sits down and gets comfy*

  9. Thanks Toni, you're very welcome.

  10. I think it's a non-issue now....
    people in your life seem to know.

  11. River it took you years to blog and now look at you! You're prolific. Trust me, those who enjoy your blog will read, those who aren't into it won't bother . . .I think Clare reads mine in moments of boredom, my sister occasionally chimes in and one or two friends but not many. Do what feels comfortable. And big congratulations, who said video killed the radio star! She's alive and well and working in Adelaide!

  12. Frogdancer; I still haven't told people at work.

    Baino; I held off for years because I truly thought I had nothing to say. Now I just blurt out whatever pops into my head and it seems to work.

  13. Hehe You superstar!!! Tell everyone. It took me a while to get used to everyone knowing about my blog but now I give people my card with my blog address on it. Let us know when the interview is so we can listen online. xx


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