where I went today

One of Adelaide's very few Community Gardens had an open day today. Eight months ago, I donated my entire pot plant collection to them. Today, I went along to see the garden, and get a look at my "babies". Sadly, I didn't see them all, several were still in storage waiting for the ground to be prepared in the places where they were to be planted. Some had been sold and were now happily living in other gardens. Here are some of the things I did see. This lovely sign at the entrance to a site that used to house a Jam Factory. Inside the gate this path leads past garden plots on both sides which are "owned" by community members and they grow whatever they want to grow. Some grow vegetables, some grow herbs, I saw strawberries in one plot. The path leads to the "house", which is really just a large meeting room, with a kitchen, and at the back of the building is a waterless composting toilet. The garden is run on permaculture and organic principles, ...