second installment

I was disappointed to find that most places in Hahndorf had signs on doors or in windows that said no photographs allowed.
I took this to mean no photos inside the establishments, so happily snapped away at



Check out this one; non-German foods, yes, but look, not a single misplaced apostrophe!

and window displays, most of which didn't turn out because of glare or reflections from passing traffic. See my reflection in this one?

This next building houses the Puppet Shop on one side and something I can't remember on the other side.

These marionettes put me in mind of
The Sound Of Music,
the scene where the children make a puppet show of the song The Lonely Goatherd.

Most of these are shops I didn't go into, I'd already peeked into so many and thought I'd leave a few for another trip.
I did go into the souvenir shop, (pictures 2 and 10), and wanted to buy one of everything....
Inside were cuckoo clocks in many different designs and sizes, and little weather houses just like the one we had when I was very young. It had a thermometer and two openings, with a man holding an umbrella in one and a woman holding a bunch of flowers in the other.
In cold weather, the man came out, in warm weather, the woman came out.
Mum brought it out from Germany when we came.

There's more to come....another day.


  1. My guess is they don't allow photo's because they want tourists to buy postcards. I went to a good school yet grammar and what should go where these days has flown from my brain. I have a phobia from childhood - puppets. Where it came from I don't know but somehow these don't look so bad, perhaps its because they are so far away! I had a Russian Doll as a child, a mystery now as to where that went sadly.

    Thank you for sharing your time.

  2. Love the photos, the trip looks like it was fun, despite the no photo rule.
    I've just dusted off the little man and lady in their weather house that belonged to my mum, it sits on the pelmet above my head here lol.

  3. I remember that sweet shop and would always go in .... and come out with peanut butter M&Ms, Fry's peppermint cream bars, caramac and sometimes a small bottle of IRNBRU.

    Top photos, River - you have an 'eye' for what makes a place typical but puts your own spin on it. A rare skill indeed.

  4. Achelois; I had a set of nesting dolls when I was little, I haven't a clue what happened to them. I'm thinking of buying a set for my youngest grand daughter, she' almost 7.

    Jayne; the no photo rule is quite annoying.

    Kath; IRNBRU? I went into a different sweet shop, pictures will be up later today.
    The photos have turned out better than I thought they would.


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