Sunday Selections # 89

Welcome back to Sunday Selections! Originally begun by Kim at Frog Ponds Rock , now continued by me as a way to show off photos that might otherwise never see the light of day. The rules are very simple and few. photos of your choice under the Sunday Selections title. 2. Link back to me, River 3. Leave me a comment so that I know you've joined us. This week I'm going to show you one of the many homes I've lived in since coming back to Adelaide. This house is no longer there, a huge block of flats stands in its place. Looking down the side of the house we rented to the shed/garage. The garage was kept locked and was off limits to us as the landlord still had stuff in there. Behind the house and garage is a huge garden block, with the best growing soil I have ever known. In this shot I am standing against the back fence, in what was the chook yard, looking down the path to the back door. That little black rectangle in the centre of the photo is ...