what a surprise!

This morning, before I went into Coles, I went to the Post Office to check my post box, as I always do, and found a parcel delivery card indicating a parcel too big to fit in the box was waiting for me inside the Post Office.

So in I went to collect it.
It was huge! And soft too, so not heavy and I carried it over to Coles and left it, unopened on top of the lockers while I worked my shift, then brought it home.

I've just opened it to find the most beautiful, queen bed sized, deep, deep red velour blanket/throw rug. I immediately wrapped myself in it and sat on the couch while waiting for the computer to start up and decided I'll definitely be wrapping myself in it next winter as I sit on the couch watching TV.
What a wonderful surprise gift! Huge, soft, warm, and my favourite colour.

My brother R had bought it for me in Germany.
He'd recently holidayed there with his lovely partner V, staying just under a month and having a wonderful time.
They visited the tiny town of Bergedorf, (just outside Hamburg) where I'd been born, and found the house (block of flats) where my mum had lived with her parents as a child.
They saw the Black Forest, took a couple of boat trips on lakes and rivers, and took many, many photos. He said he'll send me some of them, and I'll share them with you all on this blog here.

Tucked inside the fabulous blanket was a usb stick with a note attached. The usb is loaded with 1700 books for my kindle.


  1. Holy Smakaroonies....1700 books. I mean okay, blanket/wrap ..lovely, possibility of photos of old home and mothers old home .. delightful, but REALLY!!!! 1700 books. Your brother is one way cool dude.

  2. Delores; my brother understands me. He and his partner also have kindles (very handy for reading on a long flight)and they have the same 1700 books. I'm really curious about the titles and what the stories are. I'm saving the loading of them until the weekend and will load them to the computer first, then lend the usb to my daughter K who is also a voracious reader.

  3. Brilliant!! 1700 books to read all whilst snuggled under a gorgeous blankie, or lying on it!

  4. Fenstar de Luxe; 1700!! I'll be reading in my grave!

  5. Just lovely when good things happen to (or are done for) good people. Your brother and his wife sound like lovely people who really hold you in a special place in their hearts.

  6. 1700 books, blah blah. A comfort blanky, how cool.

  7. That's a lot of books. The old commercial just flashed into my mind: That Salada Tea.

  8. What a present! And what a wonderful brother! Holy smokes.

  9. A very nice surprise indeed!! 1700 books! Gosh! That blew my mind!

  10. Your reply to little Fenstar made me laugh, I've a feeling you'd both get along very well.

  11. What a wonderful, wonderful brother. Tears in my eyes here. He knows you well doesn't he?

  12. Tempo; I'm looking forward to the weekend when I start sifting through all those books to see what I have there.

    Mrs Dump; welcome to drifting. Myself and my sister are his only remaining family so we're all becoming closer than we used to be.

    Andrew; both pressies are pretty cool. I'll be reading many of those books wrapped in the comfort blanky.

    Joanne oragon; I have no idea what commercial that is, but I agree it's a fantastic lot of books.

    CarrieBoo; he is pretty great.

    drb; I think it's blown a few minds. I mentioned it at work today...

    R.H. I get along with almost everybody. Life's easier that way.

    EC; he knows me better than I know him.

  13. LOL, I haven't been called little since I was um, about 3 years old!

  14. Woo hoo, what a fantastic surprise. xxx

  15. Fenstar; I'm often called little, because I'm short, most work colleagues are taller than me.

    Kakka; best surprise ever! And my reading family will also benefit along with several friends who own kindles. I'm happy to share.


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