Sunday Selections # 89

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

Originally begun by Kim at Frog Ponds Rock, now continued by me as a way to show off photos that might otherwise never see the light of day.

The rules are very simple and few. photos of your choice under the Sunday Selections title.
2. Link back to me, River
3. Leave me a comment so that I know you've joined us.

This week I'm going to show you one of the many homes I've lived in since coming back to Adelaide.
This house is no longer there, a huge block of flats stands in its place.

Looking down the side of the house we rented to the shed/garage.
The garage was kept locked and was off limits to us as the landlord still had stuff in there. 
Behind the house and garage is a huge garden block, with the best growing soil I have ever known.

In this shot I am standing against the back fence, in what was the chook yard, looking down the path to the back door. 
That little black rectangle in the centre of the photo is roughly where the back door is.
In the foreground here is a young fig tree on the right, on the left, the feathery foliage is asparagus.
The fenced off areas on the right, behind the fig tree is vegetable beds. I grew enough vegetables in here to feed us and several other family members. And a few friends.

This is the opposite photo, I'm standing at the kitchen door, under the grapevine covered pergola, looking towards the back fence. 
On the right is the garage, big enough to house a tractor! On the left is the washing line, beyond that a low fence, behind that is an open patch about the size of the flat I now live in, beyond that again is the fenced vegetable beds. Right down the back, the chook yard stretched all the way across the yard with a small chook house on the right.  It was always dark and cool in the chook house, so I bought a boxed mushroom farm and grew them in there.

Here I am standing against the side fence in the open space looking at the fruit and nut trees that were behind the garage, going right down to the chook house. Along the path were three more grapevines.
The trees were peach, apricot, plum, almond, nectarine and lemon.
The small patch of foliage in the front of the photo is mint.

This is the vegetable patch side of the yard. 
I have another photo taken a few months later when everything in there was huge and green, but a couple of the kids are in there too, so I can't show that one.

This is the sultana grapevine that shaded the back area of the house.
When the grape flowers were blooming there would be hundreds of bees out there every day.
The grapes were beautiful; plentiful, plump and sweet. The vines down by the fruit trees had red grapes, the original family used to make their own wine from them.

This is me, just coming in from hanging some washing.  Note the overgrown grass which nobody wanted to mow. The small tree trunks you see there belonged to a small mandarin tree. Yum.

Inside, the house was large and cool, but the decor was........ummm......different.

The dining room, separated from the kitchen by the arch. The window looked onto the driveway.
We had the fridge on the kitchen side of the arch and the freezer on the dining side.
Beside the cabinets was the door leading to the bathroom.

The other side of the dining room.  The fridge and freezer still work after all these years and my daughter K has them now.

The hallway, which we stacked with stuff while we decided permanent homes for it all. 
Most of it ended up staying right where you see it.
Here's what I mean about the "interesting" decor--see all those vine leaves on the walls?
Painted on.
Hand stencilled. 
They were also in every bedroom, but in different colours.

The front sunroom which we used as a lounge room, although we mostly spent time in the kitchen and dining room when we weren't outside. No vine leaves here, the walls were mostly window.

My room, covered in stencilled vine leaves. Originally intended as a lounge room, but appropriated by me as all other rooms were filled with kids, partners, grand daughter #1.
And the cat, Harley. You met him last week.

The kitchen. Not pretty, but the comfortable scene of many family gatherings. The sink (and back door) was to the right and looked out over the yard.


  1. Wow. How pretty you were (and probably are). What an amazing yard. And nothing beats the taste of home grown fruit and vegies. And, as an amazing coincidence we bought a mushroom kit yesterday and have set it up in the bathroom.

  2. The place and the garden both look huge. I guess they had to be to accommodate a lot of people.

  3. It's a big weird to have photos of something that no longer exists! Or is that just me?!

  4. It's as if you stood in one spot and slowly turned 360 degrees and have the old photos to prove it. It was a comfortable old place.

  5. Someone had a lot of patience to stencil all those leaves.

  6. Bonza trip down memory lane. There are not many houses or backyards that size around anymore as most are pulled down and units or flats built on 'em this happens a lot in my neck of the woods which is sad really.

  7. Elephant's Child; thank you. It was the most amazing yard I've ever lived in. If I could have stayed, I'd still be there and I may have even put a few chooks in the chook yard.

    Andrew; back in the old days when people had more kids and grew their own food, homes and yards were huge. Self-sufficiency was the way things were done.

    Red Nomad; it is a bit weird, but I'm glad to be able to look back on this. It was 1993, I didn't even have a digital camera then.

    Joanne Noragon; standing in one spot wouldn't show enough of the yard. I had to walk to the fences to get it all.

    Delores; I imagine it was a sheet stencil and a spray can of paint. If I'd stayed I would have got permission to repaint.

    Windsmoke; memory lane is one of my favourite places to visit. It is sad to see so many places like this replaced with blocks of flats, but people need to live somewhere. I assume the landlord got a tidy sum of money when he sold that enormous block. It's a pity to lose that amazing rich dark soil though.

  8. That yard with its beautiful soil, now covered up in concrete? What a crime. I'm puzzled that people who have a choice would want to live in an apa-a-a-arment. I imagine it could suit them if their lives are external and they go out a lot, personally I would hate it. A house surrounded by garden is the best way to live. It's still the sane preference for most people. I have a beautiful mandarin tree with hundreds on it every year and they are the sweetest juiciest citrus I've had from anywhere. That tree alone is reason to be here.

  9. R.H. it was probably bought by a developer, not a family looking for a home. There was plenty of things wrong with the actual house, it was very old and would have eventually had to be torn down anyway. Perhaps it deteriorated more after we left. Anyway, developers pay big bucks then get their money back by selling the flats they build. There's plenty of people willing to live in flats by choice and not have to bother with a garden. I have a couple of fruit trees in the garden nearest me, a fejoia and a loquat. Lucky for me, I like both those fruits.

  10. There are people going from apa-a-a-artment to office whose feet never touch earth, they have to make a special trip to a park to do that. In twenty years every old factory site around here, every bit of vacant railway land between Newport and Williamstown plus the old rifle Range has been crammed with rows of little doll houses with no space around them whatsoever, not even a sideway. A few maggots here in Newport have even sold their backyards for housing. The point of it all is it's a convenient place to live but as crowds pile in it becomes a shithouse. People are robots, no brains.

  11. Whatever I say you'll disagree. Gardens are a bother? Okay. Dogs are a bother too, they eat at one end and shit at the other.

    Any house can be fixed up.

    Stupid and corrupt councils are to blame. Buffoons. My house is classed as heritage and I wasn't even allowed to build a carport in the driveway yet around the corner an identical house has meanwhile been demolished with all its trees and lovely brand new cheap ugly dual occupancy slapped up.

    Cheap. Ugly. Like the boneheads living there.

  12. That yard was amazing..... Nothing like home grown fruit and veggies, and eggs!!! I don't know how I would have lived with the walls....


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