Sunday Selections #86

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

Begun almost two years ago by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, now continued by me.

There are almost no rules...
1. post photos under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me.

This week I have photos of our Adelaide City Fire Station.

Lovely red bricks standing out against a bright blue sky.

Nice shiny sign.

These big doors are where the fire engines come rushing out.
I really like the unusual upper level design of this building.
(I suspect the architect is the same one that designed a red brick, white trim office block I've previously shown. (in Grenfell Street).)

150 years of putting out fires in and around Adelaide.
Thank you Firies.

This is the training tower used to train the new men. Recycled water is used during training.

Scroll back up to the first photo.
See that glassed in section?
Tune in next week to find out what's inside.


  1. An impressive looking bldg for sure...what IS in that glassed in section.

  2. Bonza photos. I'm guessing the glassed in section is a museum or something along those lines.

  3. Our firies are so necessary. I am glad that yours have a nice, new building. And I am with Windsmoke - perhaps some of the old fire-engines. Red ones. I am still not comfortable with the yellow-green ones.
    Brilliant post. Thank you.

  4. Delores; tune in next week. The buildings span an entire city block.

    Windsmoke; something, something.

    EC; yellow-green fire engines? or the yellow-green trimmed white rescue vehicles that look like ambulances? all of our fire engines are red.

  5. Fire engine red is a thing of the past here. Yellow-green rules. Ambulances, fire engines, rescue vehicles.

  6. Fire Fighters are so essential ... in fact they are hero's. They put their lives on the line for us every day. They are being maligned in our country and there is an attempt to cut way back on them. Big red fire engines may be a thing of the past here and not because they are being replaced by yellow and green. Sad to say ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  7. check this out; welcome to drifting.


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