Ever wondered why diamonds are so expensive?


  1. Yes, I have wondered. Then I saw a documentary on how slave labor and digging deep into the earth.

  2. Fortunately, diamonds are not one of my favourites in the gemnological world, so the expense doesn't matter.

  3. They are a little like mushrooms aren't they....grown in the dark.

  4. I don't know but I'm with Marilyn, "Diamonds are a girl's best friend." Square cut or pear shaped, these rocks don't lose their shape..... diamonds are a girl's best friend.

  5. ha ha, this wasn't supposed to go up, I don't know how it happened...I have a draft in the works...

    Susan Kane; my coming article has nothing to do with slave labour, although I'm sure that still goes on. And shouldn't.

    Elephant's Child; I like them, but don't buy them. I have only one tiny diamond gifted to me by my mother for my 40th birthday. I almost need a microscope to see it.

    Delores; way down in the deepest dark.

    Manzanita; I like the baguette shape best and I don't believe diamonds are a girl's best friend. SUNSCREEN is a girl's best friend. diamonds are second best.

  6. I do like diamonds but of a simple cut...just wish I had more of them.

  7. Mimsie; I'd like a few more too, but I'll probably never buy any, I just don't wear jewellery apart from my watch and the sleepers in my ears. I do have seasonal things, like all the brooches and earrings I wear at Christmas, but none of it is "real". What I'd really like is the money to be able to afford diamonds.


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